Congratulations to Prof. Dale Spencer, who was recently been named by the Ontario government as one of three recipients at Carleton University to be honoured with Early Researcher Awards (ERA). Each researcher will receive $150,000 to support projects on electric vehicles, cybercrime and youth, and skilled migration.

“Digital Culture, Youth and Policing: Risk-taking and Police Response in the Information Age”

Prof. Spencer’s research program explores how young people understand and mitigate cyber risks, more specifically forms of violence associated with the use of digital communication. In line with the Ontario Innovation Agenda in the area of digital media and information technology, his research will investigate youth experiences of cybercrime and interactions with police. Spencer will also examine the experiences of Ontario police officers when policing youth and responding to youth-related crimes associated with digital communication.

About the Early Research Awards

The Early Researcher Award program (ERA) is a program administered by the Province of Ontario that aims to help promising, recently-appointed Ontario researchers build their research teams of graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and research associates. It replaced the Premier’s Research Excellence Awards (PREA) program in 2005.

The ultimate goal of the program is to improve Ontario’s ability to attract and retain the best and brightest research talent in high-priority economic areas. Recipients receive $100,000 from the Province of Ontario towards a total project of $190,000.

For more information, please read the full university press release here.