June 19th was a busy, yet exciting day for our department as hundreds of students in our BA, MA and PhD programs received their degrees after years of hard work! Despite an extreme heat wave that day, it was wonderful to see all of our students come out to celebrate this milestone. Special thanks to all of the faculty who came to participate in the faculty procession and congratulations to all of our graduates! See below for a few photos.

L-R: Professor Christiane Wilke, MA graduate Hijaab Yahya and PhD graduate Helyeh Doutaghi (photo by Christiane Wilke)

MA graduate Rachael Malott (middle) with her supervisors, Professor Christiane Wilke (L) and Professor Ania Zbyszewska (R) (photo by Christiane Wilke)

PhD graduate, Jean Ketterling waits to get hooded from her supervisor, Professor Ummni Khan