Photo of Damon Bangma

Damon Bangma

Owner, Bangma Legal Services

Degrees:Bachelor of Arts, General in Law ('08)

I started my post-secondary education at Algonquin College taking Police Foundations. I knew part way through the program that continuing my education was important. Carleton and Algonquin had a great partnership allowing me to use some of my college credits to count towards my degree. I also heard Carleton’s reputation for its law program was fantastic.

Moreover, having a learning disability, the programs offered by the Paul Menton Centre would allow me the opportunity to go to university with all the support I could possibly ask for.

During my time in the B.A. program, I developed time management skills, and gained an understanding of the Canadian legal system and how it applies to our clients. I was able to grasp an understanding of legal terminologies, which helped in networking with my clients, some of which are former B.A. Law graduates from Carleton as well.

I was offered a general manager position right out of university.  I took the opportunity for two years which allowed me to pay off my student loans. I started my own business after that in the legal field which allowed me to utilize the skills learned from my degree received at Carleton while still holding up a full-time job in executive level positions.

The networking aspects and connections I developed from Carleton really helped my business grow. It also taught me to push myself when I was faced specific obstacles.

I am thankful for the tools that my B.A. Law degree has provided me and I am a proud alumnus. Go Ravens!

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