Erica Chen
PhD Candidate (Legal Studies)
Erica Chen is a PhD student in the Department of Law and Legal Studies at Carleton University. She is supervised by Dr. Evelyn Maeder, who is a legal/forensic psychologist. Erica’s research interests include racial and gender-based discrimination in jury decision-making. Her proposed doctoral study examines the roles of race and gender of the accused and victim in an HIV non-disclosure case using an experimental mock trial paradigm. Her project is funded by APLS (American Psychology-Law Society) and SPSSI (Psychological Study of Social Issues).
Master of Science in Health: Science, Technology, and Policy, Carleton University (2020)
Honours Bachelor of Science, Double Major in Psychology and Criminology, University of Toronto (2018)
Scholarships & Awards:
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship (2024-2026)
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2024-2025) (declined to accept SSHRC fellowship)
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2023-2024)Teaching Experience:
LAWS4904 (Psychology of the Jury)
CRCJ4002 (Media Misinformation & the Courtroom)
CRCJ3001 (Quantitative Research Methods)
Chen, E., Wood, D., Ysseldyk, R. (2021). Online Social Networking & Mental Health among Older Adults: A Scoping Review. Canadian Journal on Aging, 41(1), 26–39. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0714980821000040
Fukuda, K., Pall, S., Chen, E., Maxcey, A. (2020). Recognition and rejection each induce forgetting. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 27(3): 520-528. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13423-020-01714-x
Conference Presentations:
Chen, E., Hernandez, C., Maeder, E.M., & Knoop, J. (2024). Examining Race-Based Stereotypes in a Sexual Assault Trial, [Poster Presentation]. Canadian Psychological Association Conference 2024, Ottawa, Ontario.
Chen, E., Hernandez, C., Maeder, E.M., & Knoop, J. (2024). Examining Juror Age and Political Orientation in a Sexual Assault Trial, [Poster Presentation]. American Psychological Association Conference 2024, Seattle, Washington.
Chen, E., Hernandez, C., Maeder, E.M., Keizer, A., & Knoop, J. (2024). Examining a History of Substance Use in a Sexual Assault Trial, [Oral Presentation]. Saint Mary’s University 4th Annual Forensic Psychology Virtual Conference 2024, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Chen, E., Hernandez, C., & Maeder, E.M. (2023). Examining Mock Juror Race and Gender in a Sexual Assault Trial, [Poster Presentation]. North American Correctional and Criminal Justice Psychology Conference 2023, Toronto, Ontario.
Hassan, S., Yamamoto, S.M., Chen, E., & Maeder, E.M. (2023). Deconstruction and (Genuine) Reconstruction: Analysis of Racial Power Dynamics within Canadian Professional Psychology, [Panel Discussion]. Canadian Psychological Association Conference 2023, Toronto, Ontario.
Chen, E., Maeder, E.M. (2023). Examining Data Quality in Jury Decision-making Research [Poster Presentation]. American Psychology-Law Society Conference 2023, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Chen, E., Wood, D., Ysseldyk, R. (2020). Online Social Networking & Mental Health among Older Adults: A Scoping Review. [Poster Presentation]. 81st Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention, Montreal, Quebec, Canada & International Conference on Social Identity and Health 5, Nottingham, England.
Wood, D., Chen, E., Lemay, J.A., Ysseldyk, R. (2019, May 13-15). Social Participation, Networks, Support, & Mental Health Among Older Adults: Analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. [Poster Presentation] Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics 2019 Biennial Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.