Mohammed Jahirul Islam
PhD Candidate (Legal Studies)
Email: | jahirulislam3@cmail.carleton.ca |
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Mohammed Jahirul Islam is doing a Ph.D. in Law and Legal Studies at Carleton University on prison issues. His research interest is Prison Resistance; Indigenous Prison Resistance; Punishment, Prison Governance and Prison Culture; Terrorism and Religious Fundamentalism; Gender and Female Criminality through postcolonial and poststructuralist lenses. His Ph.D. project is on “Trajectories of Prison Governance in Bangladesh: An Ethnographic Study on Dhaka Central Prison, Dhaka, Bangladesh.” Moreover, he is also a Research Assistant (RA) in different research projects on Prison Transparency, Prison Abolition and Disinformation funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Canadian Government and Carleton University.
Apart from this, Mohammed Jahirul Islam is an Associate Professor and former Chairman of the Department of Criminology and Police Science at Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU) in Tangail, Bangladesh since 2010. His teaching interest concentrated on Penology and Punishment; Prison and Corrections; Contemporary Criminological Theories; Race, Ethnicity and Crime; Contemporary Criminological Issues; Police, Policing and Police Management and Administration; Theories of Crime; Domestic and International Terrorism; Victimology; Research Methodology; Development and Crime. Before joining the MBSTU faculty, he was employed as a research officer at the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
He received his Bachelor’s and Master of Social Science (M.S.S) degrees in Sociology from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) in 2009. He completed his master’s research on “Change in Islamic Fundamentalist Discourses in Post-liberation Bangladesh: A Sociological Analysis.” Based on this research, he published an article entitled ‘Discourses and Discursive Changes of Fundamentalism in Post-Liberation Bangladesh: A Study on Jamaat-E-Islami, Bangladesh.’
He has written several research articles on theoretical and historical criminology, philosophy of science, punishment, female criminality, gender issues, enforced disappearance and extra-judicial killing, religious terrorism and fundamentalism. He is writing an edited book entitled ‘Crime, Criminology and Criminal Justice in Bangladesh: A Comprehensive Reader’ (in Bengali). Currently, he is working as an editorial team member of the Bengali version of Global Dialogue Magazine, published by the International Sociological Association (ISA).
Mohammed Jahirul Islam is a member and executive leader of many intellectual communities, including the Canadian Law and Society Association (CLSA), Carleton University Law Students Association (CULSA), Bangladesh Criminology Association (BCA), Bangladesh Institute of Crime and Justice Studies (BICJS), Bangladesh Institute of Social Research Trust (BISRT), Bangladesh Sociological Association (BSA), Bangladesh Criminological Society (BCS).
Research Supervisors
Supervisor: Professor Dr. Dawn Moore, Department of Law and Legal Studies, Carleton University, Canada.
Co-supervisor: Dr. Hollis Moore, Assistant Professor, Department of Law and Legal Studies, Carleton University, Canada.
Academic Qualifications
Master of Social Science (M.S.S)- Department of Sociology, Shah Jalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Bachelor of Social Science (B.S.S)- Department of Sociology, Shah Jalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Research and Publications
Chowdhury, K., Rana, E. K., Islam, M. J. (2022). Liberal Discourses of Militancy in Bangladesh: An Analysis and Critical Appraisal, Probondhaboli/Perspectives on Social Sciences, Vol-11, pp. 71-92, Center for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (CASSS), Dhaka: University of Dhaka. (in Bengali)
Chowdhury, K., Choudhury, Z. A., Mamun, S. A., Islam, M. J. (2021). Desistance from Crime: An Empirical Study of Crime Behavior of Released Male Prisoners in Bangladesh, SUST Journal of Social Sciences, Vol-32, Issues: 02, pp. 33-48, Sylhet: Shahjalal University of Science and Technology.
Rana, E. K., Islam, M. J. (2020). NGO discourse of Extrajudicial killings and Enforced disappearance in Bangladesh, International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences, January – June 2021. Vol. 16 (1): 110–126. South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology. http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4764157
Banarjee, S., Hussain, M. S., Islam, M. J. (2019). Religious Terrorism in Bangladesh: Patterns, Trends and Causes. in Routledge Handbook of South Asian Criminology. Edited by K. Jaishankar, New York: Routledge (Taylor and Francis Group). Internet Cite:https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9780429320118- 22/religious-terrorism-bangladesh-subrata-banarjee-md-shakhawat-hossain- mohammed-jahirul-islam
Banarjee, S., Islam, M. J. (2019). Sexual Violence Against Women: A Global Phenomenon on Cultural Context, BPA Journal, Police Academy Journal, Vol-01, Issues-1 (January-December) Rajshahi: Bangladesh Police Academy.
Sharmin, S., Islam, M. J. (2019). Marginality of the Rape Victims: An Exploratory Study on Rape Victims in Tangail District, Bangladesh, BPA Journal, Police Academy Journal, Vol-01, Issues-1 (January-December) Rajshahi: Bangladesh Police Academy.
Islam, M. J., Suchona, S. Y. (2019). Sexual Harassment of Women in Public Transport: A Study on Dhaka City, Empowerment, Vol-26, Dhaka: Women for Women.
Islam, M. J., Suchona, S. Y. (2019). Women, Crime and News Media: A Criminological Study on Selected Newspaper in Bangladesh, PSC Journal, Volume: 6, Issue 1(January-June). Mirpur: Police Staff College.
Khatun, M. N., Islam, M. J. (2018). Crime in Bangladesh: A Historical Review, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, Volume: 35, No-2 (December).
Khatun, M. N., Islam, M. J., Banarjee, S. Paul, M. (2013). Philosophy of Punishment in Criminology: A Historical Review, Issues-July-September, Vol-1, Issue-1, Journal of Media and Social Development, Department of Studies in Journalism and Communication, University of Mysore, Karnataka, India. URL: http://www.uni- mysore.ac.in/assets/Uploads/journal-cover-page-2.pdf
Islam, M. J., Khatun, M. N., Siddiqua, R., Khan, M. B. (2013). Paradigmatic Status of Criminology: An Analysis, Samaj Nirikkhon, No-122, (June-July), Dhaka: Center for Social Studies. (in bengali)
Islam, M. J, Rana, E. K. (2022). Prison Governance and Administrative Systems in Bangladesh: From Colonial to Post Colonial Rule, in Danielle Rudes TaLisa, Kimberly, Gaylene, Beth, Jodi (Edited) Division on Corrections and Sentencing’s Handbook (vol. 9): Prisons & Jails, USA: DSC, American Criminological Association. (Abstract Accepted)
Islam, M. J. (2020). Antonio Gramsci: Civil Society, Hegemony and Revolution, in Dr. Khurshed Alam (edited) Modern and Post-modern Theories, Dhaka: University Press Limited. (forthcoming in bengali)
Islam, M. J, Rana, E. K. (2020). Theoretical Perspectives in Criminology, in Mokerrom Hossain (Edited) Crime, Victimization and Criminal Justice in Bangladesh, USA: Virginia State University. (forthcoming)
Conference/ Seminar Papers
Islam, M. J. (2023). Policing, Michel Foucault and Criminology, Conference Paper Accepted to 32nd Annual Meeting of the International Police Executive Symposium (IPES), Policing, Rule of Law, Organized Crime and the Environment, 6th-11th August (In-person), Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.
Islam, M. J, Rana, E. K. (2023). Prison Governance and Administrative Systems in Bangladesh: From Colonial to Post Colonial Rule, Conference Paper Accepted in Law and Society Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 1-4, 2023, Organized by Law and Society Association (LSA), USA.
Islam, M. J. (2023). Policing, Michel Foucault and Criminology, Conference Paper Accepted, 24th Annual Interdisciplinary Legal Studies Graduate Student Conference, May 4-5, 2023, Organized by Law, University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada.
Islam, M. J. (2023). Prison and Resistance: From Subaltern Perspectives, Paper Presented in the Faculty of Public Affairs (FPA) Conference 2023, March 7-8, Organized by Faculty of Public Affairs, Carleton University, Canada.
Islam, M. J. (2023). Prison and Resistance: From Subaltern Perspectives, Paper Presented in Graduate Symposium, April 14-15, 2023, Organized by Department of Socio-Legal Studies, York University, Canada.
Islam, M. J. (2023). Prison and Resistance: From Subaltern Perspectives, Paper Presented in Graduate Student Conference, 2023, Organized by Department of Law and Legal Studies, Carleton University, Canada.
Islam, M. J, Rana, E. K. (2023). Underlying Causes of Religious Militancy in Bangladesh: Toward an Alternative Explanation from the Views of Liberal Intellectuals, Conference Paper Submitted in 23rd Annual Graduate Conference, 16 March 2023, Institute of Political Economy, Carleton University, Canada.
Islam, M. J. (2023). Prison and Resistance: From Subaltern Perspectives, Conference Paper presented to Critical Perspectives / Criminology & Social Justice / Perspectives Critiques / Criminologie & Justice Sociale,12th National Conference / 12e Conférence Nationale Ottawa May/ Mai 15-17 2023 Carleton University / Université Carleton, Canada.
Islam, M. J., Akter, L., Akter, M. M. (2019). Female Criminality in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study of Social Bonding Theory on Released Prisoners, International Conference on Advancement of Life Sciences 2019 (ICALS 2019). CP-OP 03, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU), Tangail, Bangladesh, 5-6 April.
Islam, M. J., Chowdhury, K., Islam, M. M. (2019). Governing Prison Gangs and Prison Administration Rules: Reflections of Conducting Research on Naranyanganj District Jail, International Conference on Advancement of Life Sciences 2019 (ICALS 2019). CP-OP 04, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU), Tangail, Bangladesh, 5-6 April.
Chowdhury, K., Islam, M. J., Rana, E. K. (2019). Liberal Discourses of Islamic Radicalization in Bangladesh (2005-2017): A Contemporary Analysis of Political Discourse, International Conference on Advancement of Life Sciences 2019 (ICALS 2019). CP-OP 05, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU), Tangail, Bangladesh, 5-6 April.
Chowdhury, K., Islam, M. J., Soiti, S. S. (2019). Physical Violence against Married Working Women: A Case Study in Dhaka City, Bangladesh, International Conference on Advancement of Life Sciences 2019 (ICALS 2019). CP-OP 09, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU), Tangail, Bangladesh, 5-6 April.
Sharmin, S., Islam, M. J. (2019). Marginality and Rape: An Exploratory Study on Rape Victims in Tangail District, Bangladesh, International Conference on Advancement of Life Sciences 2019 (ICALS 2019). CP-OP 12, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU), Tangail, Bangladesh, 5-6 April.
Chowdhury, K., Islam, M. J., Mamun, S. A. (2019). Causes of Desistence from Crime: An Empirical Study among the Released Prisoners in Tangail City, International Conference on Advancement of Life Sciences 2019 (ICALS 2019). CP-OP 15, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU), Tangail, Bangladesh, 5-6 April.
Banarjee, S., Islam, M. J. (2018). Technology of Surveillance in Crime Control: Foucault Revisited, Annual Graduate Student Conference 2018. In Securitization, Surveillance and Regulation, Organized by Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies, University of Toronto, Canada. Internet Site: https://www.crimsl.utoronto.ca/news- events/events/graduate-student-conference#previous-accordion-3
Islam, M. J., Khan, N. H. (2011). Fear of Crime and Victimization: An Empirical Study of Savar, Bangladesh, in Asian Criminological Society Conference, Taiwan: National Taipei University. (Conference Paper Accepted)