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Research of interests
- Political economy
- EU enlargement, security and policing
- Supranational policing and police co-operation
- Pacification theory
- Critical ethnography
- Critical discourse analysis
PhD Project
My doctoral dissertation is an examination of the relationship between European Union (EU) enlargement, security, and policing. I explore and compare how the mandatory application of EU laws, related to the “Area of Freedom, Security and Justice”, impacts the structures and functions of policing in two recent member (Bulgaria and Croatia) and candidate states (Turkey and Macedonia). The impetus for such research is compounded by the recent tensions with Russia and the long-standing challenges of organized crime within the Balkans and Turkey. In this context, I suggest that we regard EU enlargement as a method of fabricating a “civilized” social order through policing. Yet, EU enlargement as a “civilizing project” is not passively accepted by either member or candidate states. Thus, it is important to examine if, and how, states resist the power relations inherent in the EU enlargement process.
In my spare time I am an avid collector of hobbies and interests some of which include: anything tech, food and wine, classical literature, and interior design.
PhD Thesis Committee
- George S. Rigakos (Supervisor)
- Dale Spenser
- Nicolas Carrier
- BA, Political Science, Carleton University (2008)
- MA, European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, Carleton University (2010)
Academic Awards
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship – (PhD 2016-2017)
- SSHRC – Canada Graduate Scholarship – Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement (PhD, 2015-2016)
- Centre for European Studies – Graduate Student Travel-Research Fellowship (PhD, 2015-2016)
- Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs and the Faculty of Public Affairs – Research Bursary (PhD, 2015-2016)
- SSHRC – Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship (PhD, 2013-2016)
- Red Quill Books – Graduate Scholarship in Social Justice (PhD, 2012)
- Centre for European Studies – Graduate Student Travel-Research Fellowship (MA, 2009-2010)
Manolov, M. V. (2013). FAQ, Anti-Security: The Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research, 3 (1), 9–26.
Manolov, M. V. (2011). The “Permissive Consensus” and its Components: Reflections from the European Integration Project. Paterson Review of International Affairs, 11, 105–123.
Working papers
Hurrelmann, A., & Manolov, M. V. (2011). The Court of Justice of the European Union: Federalizing Actor in a Multilevel System. SC Working Paper 2011-1, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations (Queens University).
Encyclopedia entries
Manolov, M. V., & Rigakos, G. S. (2014). Anti-Security. In (G. Ritzer, Ed.)The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Book reviews
Manolov, M. V. (2013). Review of L. Territo and R. Matteson, The International Trafficking of Human Organs: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Police Practice and Research, 14 (3), 270–271.