Carleton has a very generous undergraduate scholarship and bursary program. Current and prospective students can find out more about available awards and bursaries through the Awards and Financial Aid Office. In addition to the awards and bursaries available from the central office, the below awards are specific to the programs offered by the Department of Law and Legal Studies.
Department of Law and Legal Studies Scholarships and Awards
Undergraduate Awards
Undergraduate Bursaries
Graduate Awards
Undergraduate Awards
Barb Higgins Memorial Award
Awarded annually to an outstanding student proceeding from one year to another in a Bachelor of Arts degree in Law. Eligible students will exemplify a dedication to supporting others and building a sense of community. Established in 2021 in memory of Barb Higgins, by friends and colleagues. No application for this award is required.
Captus Press Award for Introductory Law Courses
Awarded annually for excellence in introductory law courses to the student proceeding from Second to Third Year who has achieved the highest continuing grade point average in any five of LAWS 1000, LAWS 2201, LAWS 2202, LAWS 2301, LAWS 2302, LAWS 2501 and LAWS 2502, as calculated at the end of the student’s Second Year. No application for this award is required.
Communications Law Prize
Awarded annually for excellence in communications law. No application for this award is required.
DiSabato Scholarship in Law and Legal Studies
Awarded annually to one or more outstanding students entering or proceeding from one year to another in a Bachelor of Arts degree in Law. Endowed in 2010 by Elizabeth DiSabato BA/93, BA/95. No application for this award is required.
King McShane Award in Civil Liberties
Awarded annually to the undergraduate student who has attained the best overall average in the study of civil liberties law. No application for this award is required.
Sarah Metrick LL.B Scholarship in Introductory Law
Awarded annually for excellence in first and second year courses to one female and one male student in a Law Program who is proceeding from Second to Third year and who has achieved the highest overall cumulative grade point average as calculated at the end of the student’s second year. No application for this award is required.
Law and Legal Studies Transformation Scholarship for Indigenous Students
Awarded annually to outstanding undergraduate Indigenous students continuing in a degree program within the Department of Law and Legal Studies. Endowed 2024 by the Department of Law and Legal Studies to recognize the important contributions of Indigenous students to the project of law and transformation. Application is required.
Lynn Campbell Award in Business Law
Awarded annually to the student graduating from a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in Law with a Concentration in Business Law who has achieved the highest overall cumulative grade point average. Endowed in 2021 by R. Lynn Campbell, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Law and Legal Studies. No application for this award is required.
Manan Shah Memorial Scholarship
Awarded annually to an outstanding undergraduate student continuing in a Bachelor of Arts in Law. Eligible recipients will be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada and must demonstrate a commitment to volunteerism related to the law. Established in 2023 by friends and family of Manan Shah, BAHons/19. Application is required.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Goldstein Book Award in Law
Awarded annually to a deserving Carleton University student in a Law program. No application for this award is required.
Osgoode Society Legal History Book Prize
Two books awarded annually to a student who merits special recognition for work in legal history. No application for this award is required.
Oxford University Press Award in Law
A prize of a copy of the Canadian Oxford Dictionary awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Department of Law and Legal Studies, to a deserving student pursuing the study of law at Carleton.
Madeleine Goyette Memorial Bursary
Awarded annually in alternating years to a student proceeding from third to fourth-year in the Political Science Honours program and a student proceeding from third to fourth-year in the Law Honours program. Eligible recipients must demonstrate financial need, must be Canadian Citizens or permanent residents of Canada (landed immigrant or a protected person), and must meet the OSAP Ontario Residency requirements. Apply through Awards and Financial Aid Office.
Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich Bursary
Awarded annually to undergraduate students in demonstrated financial need who are enrolled in any degree program within the Department of Law and Legal Studies at Carleton University. Preference will be given to sole-support parents. Established in 2020 by Dr. Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich, PhD/2015, who was the first graduate of the PhD program in the Department of Law and Legal Studies at Carleton. Apply through Awards and Financial Aid Office.
Richard M. Zubrycki Bursary
Awarded annually to a student, proceeding from second to third year, pursuing undergraduate studies in the Department of Law, Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice, or School of Social Work. Eligible recipients must be Canadian Citizens or permanent residents of Canada (landed immigrant or a protected person), and must meet OSAP Ontario Residency requirements. Preference will be given to an aboriginal student. Apply through Awards and Financial Aid Office.
Graduate Awards
Chet Mitchell Memorial Award in Law and Legal Studies
Established in 1991 by colleagues, family and friends in honour of the late Chet Mitchell, who was a professor in the Department of Law, this award is given annually to a deserving student enrolled in the Master of Arts program in Legal Studies. Application is not required. The recipient will be chosen each year on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of Law.