On Saturday, November 14th, 2020, Carleton celebrated our Fall graduates! Celebrations moved online this year, and we would like to take the opportunity to celebrate all of our outstanding NPSIA graduates of 2020. We’ve asked Master’s of International Affairs grad, Morgan Pommells, to reflect on her time at Carleton and her memories of NPSIA.

If you could choose one word to sum up your time at NPSIA, what is it and why?

Rewarding! – The learning was immeasurable, and we had access to some really great professors.

What is your favorite NPSIA memory?

The Soiree by far was my favourite NPSIA memory. Paul Wells was a really great speaker.

What was your favourite course or who was your favourite professor?

It is really impossible to choose just one prof or course at NPSIA. That being said, Dr. Percival had a huge impact on me as a student, and the wealth of knowledge she brought to the classroom was incredibly helpful for my future career in humanitarian aid. Dr. Samy’s economic class also still sticks with me and has definitely shaped the way I see the world.

What was the most important lesson you learned during your time at NPSIA?

You don’t and won’t know everything. Sometimes, it’s more important to know when and where to find the expert than it is to be the expert.

What’s next for you?

I currently work at Global Affairs Canada in the humanitarian operations division, specifically on the health in emergencies file doing both policy and programming work. I hope to continue to work in humanitarian aid in the future.