In response to COVID-19, Carleton University swiftly developed an internal funding opportunity to provide seed funding for individuals or teams of researchers for original, innovative, and time-sensitive research to propose solutions to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, or to apply to external research grant competitions targeting the COVID-19 pandemic. The research had to have the potential to contribute to the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, or to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and/or its negative consequences on people and communities. The grant was open to all full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty members, and 3 faculty at NPSIA were successful recipients:


Pandemic Pedagogies: Using Writing as a Tool to Develop the Citizen Scholar
Dr. David J. Hornsby

COVID-19 has forced universities around the world to move their learning online to ensure teaching and learning continue. This shift provides an opportune time to rethink pedagogical practices in the academy.

Thus, as we shift to online learning at universities in three different socio-economic contexts (Durban, Johannesburg, and Ottawa), this study investigates how faculty members are enabled and constrained to implement evidence-informed pedagogy that effectively introduces their students to the tacit knowledge and communication practices in their disciplines. Students’ continuing struggles to employ these tacit practices, which will only be exacerbated in these new online learning contexts, will prevent them from gaining membership to their disciplinary communities and will also result in low rates of graduation. Guided by these findings, we will determine if and how faculty development practices, particularly in online teaching, can be implemented to ensure faculty are explicitly teaching their students how knowledge is constructed and communicated in their disciplines of study.


CDSN COVID-19 CAF Rapid Assessment Project
Dr. Stephen Saideman and Dr. Stephanie Carvin

Recently, the Canadian Defence and Security Network (CDSN) hosted a virtual workshop involving nearly 60 academics from across Canada, and across various disciplines, on the roles, both domestically and internationally, of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in addressing and combating COVID-19. We had solicited questions from the Department of National Defence (DND) so that our conference would have immediate policy relevance. The webinar produced a series of recommendations for a short briefing note for immediate policy impact. We now have funds to do the research necessary to explore and further develop our policy recommendations.

Dr. Stephen Saideman

This project will consider five issues that DND identified as important – ranging from international implications, to the impact of the CAF on Canadian communities, to the budgetary implications, and to the impact on the CAF itself.

Congratulations to our successful grant recipients, and we thank our community of researchers who heard the call “to do good” and responded.

Click here to see the full list of grant recipients at Carleton University.