The Carleton University Philosophy Society (CUPS) is very excited about the new school year and wants to welcome everyone back! For those of you who are new to Carleton and/or maybe do not know us, CUPS is a society dedicated to building and nourishing the philosophical community here at Carleton. CUPS mainly likes to host discussion nights and social pub nights where people can have spaces to hang out, discuss, enrich lives, etc. Everyone is always welcome to the events; being a philosophy major is not a requirement! You can find out what we are doing next mainly through our social media, such as our Instagram.
We are hosting our first discussion night of the semester and the topic is “Do we have Free Will?“, hosted by our very own Philosophy student Nathan Scherr.
The discussion will be held on November 1st, starting at 7pm. You can find us in Paterson Hall in room 3A36.
We hope everyone has a great start to the fall semester, and we hope to see you there!