Photo of Christine Koggel

Christine Koggel

Moral and political philosophy; Feminist theory; Gender; Development ethics; Relational theory; Applied ethics; Settler-colonialism; Indigenous Issues

Degrees:B.A. Honours (Carleton), M.A. (Carleton), Ph.D. (Queen’s)
Phone:613-520-2600 x 3239
Office:3A46 Paterson Hall


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Christine Koggel is Professor of Philosophy and Graduate Supervisor. She comes to Carleton from Bryn Mawr College, PA, where she was the Harvey Wexler Professor of Philosophy and Co-Director of the Center for International Studies. Her main research and teaching interests are in the broad areas of moral theory, practical ethics, feminism, and social and political theory.

She is the author of Perspectives on Equality: Constructing a Relational Theory (1998), a book that brings together her interests in moral, political, and feminist theory. She is co-editor (with Rockney Jacobsen) of Our Faithfulness to the Past: The Ethics and Politics of Memory (authored by Sue Campbell and published posthumously Oxford 2014). She has collaborated extensively as editor or co-editor of 14 collections including Moral Issues in Global Perspective (1999 and a 3 volume 2nd edition 2006); Contemporary Moral Issues (4th and 5th editions 1997, 2005); Care Ethics: New Theories and Applications (2 special issues 2010 and 2011, reprinted as a book 2013); Gender Justice and Development: Local and Global (special issue 2012, reprinted as a book 2015); Examining Injustice: Foundational, Structural, and Epistemic Issues (special issue 2017, reprinted as a book 2018); and Relational Theory: Feminist Approaches, Implications, and Applications (special issue 2022).

She has published more than 45 journal articles and chapters in edited collections, the most recent of which explore topics in development ethics, feminist theory (particularly feminist relational theory), Settler-colonialism; Indigenous issues; and their intersections. She is the former President of the Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy (CSWIP), Board member of the International Development Ethics Association (IDEA), and is a Lead Co- Editor for the Journal of Global Ethics.

Research Interests

  • Moral Theory
  • Practical Ethics
  • Feminist Philosophy
  • Social and Political Philosophy
  • Development Ethics
  • Relational Theory
  • Settler-colonialism
  • Indigenous Issues

Recent Publications

Books (edited and co-edited)

Relational Theory: Feminist Approaches, Implications and Applications. Special Issue of Journal of Global Ethics. Edited by Ami Harbin, Christine Koggel, and Jennifer Llewellyn. Volume 18, Issue 1, April 2022.

Examining Injustice: Foundational, Structural, and Epistemic Issues. Expanded reprint of special issue of Ethics and Social Welfare, Volume 11, Issue 2, July 2017. Edited by Christine Koggel. Routledge, 2018.

Interpretation, Relativism, and Identity: Essays on the Philosophy of Michael Krausz. Edited by Christine Koggel and Andreea Ritovoi. Lexington Press, 2018.

Gender Justice and Development: Local and Global, Volume I. Reprint of special issue of Ethics and Social Welfare. Edited by Christine Koggel and Cynthia Bisman. Routledge, 2015 (reprinted in paperback March 2017).

Our Faithfulness to the Past: The Ethics and Politics of Memory. Sue Campbell (published posthumously). Edited by Christine Koggel and Rockney Jacobsen. Oxford University Press, 2014.

Care Ethics: New Theories and Applications. Reprint of two special issues of Ethics and Social Welfare. Co-editor with Joan Orme, Routledge. 2013.

Chapters in Books

“Indigenous Voices and Relationship: Insights from Care Ethics and Accounts of Hermeneutical Injustice” in Decentering Epistemologies and Challenging Privilege: Critical Care Ethics Perspectives, edited by Sophie Bourgault, Maggie FitzGerald, and Fiona Robinson. Rutgers University Press. (Forthcoming 2023)

“Feminist Philosophy and Poverty” in Handbook of Philosophy and Poverty, edited by Gottfried Schweiger and Clemens Sedmak. Routledge (forthcoming 2023).

“Feminist Relational Theory: Introduction” in Relational Theory: Feminist Approaches, Implications, and Applications. Co-edited by Christine Koggel, Ami Harbin, and Jennifer Llewellyn. Special Issue of Journal of Global Ethics, 2022: 18 (1): 1-14.

“Voice and Relationship: Insights from Care Ethics and Accounts of Hermeneutical Injustice” in Decentering Epistemologies and Challenging Privilege: Critical Care Ethics Perspectives, edited by Sophie Bourgault, Maggie FitzGerald, and Fiona Robinson. Rutgers University Press. (Forthcoming 2023)

“Expanding Agency: Conceptual, Explanatory, and Normative Implications” in Agency, Democracy, and Participation in Global Development, edited by Lori Keleher and Stacy Kosko. Cambridge University Press, 2019.

“Introduction” in Examining Injustice: Foundational, Structural, and Epistemic Issues. Edited by Christine Koggel. Expanded reprint of special issue of Ethics and Social Welfare. Routledge, 2018: 1-6.

“Gender: Feminist Insights on Inequality in Development” in Routledge Handbook of Development Ethics, edited by Jay Drydyk and Lori Keleher. Routledge, 2018: 116-33.

“A Critical Analysis of Recent Work on Empowerment: Implications for Gender.” Reprinted in Gender Justice and Development: Vulnerability and Empowerment, Volume II, edited by Eric Palmer. Routledge, 2015: 19-31.

“A Relational Approach to Equality: New Developments and Applications” in Being Relational: Reflections on Relational Theory and Health Law and Policy, edited by Jocelyn Downie and Jennifer Llewellyn. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2012: 63-88.

Recent Articles in Journals

“Feminist Relational Theory: The Significance of Oppression and Structures of Power,” International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics. Volume 13, number 2 (2020): 49-55.

“Epistemic Injustices in Settler Nations: Implications for Agency, Participation, and Self-Determination” for Special Issue of Ethics & Economics: Injustice. 16:1 (2019): 1-19.

“Book review article of Wellbeing, Freedom, and Social Justice: The Capability Approach Re-examined (Ingrid Robeyns), Economics and Philosophy. 35 (2019): 575–580.

“Epistemic Injustice in a Settler Nation: Canada’s History of Erasing, Silencing, Marginalizing” for Special Issue of Journal of Global Ethics. Reconciliation and Transitional Justice. 14:2 (2018): 240-251. (Reprinted in Reconciliation, Transitional and Indigenous Justice. Edited by Krushil Watene and Eric Palmer. Routledge SPIB 2020: 118-129)

“Critical Commentary on Ami Harbin’s Disorientation and Moral Life” in Special Issue Ethics and Social Welfare. Injustice: Foundational, Structural, and Epistemic Issues edited by Christine Koggel. Volume 11, Issue 2 (July 2017): 191-7.  (Reprinted in expanded collection, Examining Injustice: Foundational, Structural, and Epistemic Issues. Routledge SPIB 2018: 56-61).

“Themes in Lorraine Code’s Work: The Epistemological and the Moral/Political” for Special Issue of Feminist Philosophical Quarterly: Retrospective on Lorraine Code’s Work, Fall (2017). Guest Editors: Anna Mudde and Susan Dieleman.

“Remembering and Loving in Relationships Involving Dying, Death, and Grief” for Special Issue of Hypatia: Feminist Love Studies in the 21st Century, Volume 32, Number 1 (2017): 193-198. Guest Editors: Ann Ferguson and Margaret E. Toye.

“Book Review Article of Ethical Loneliness: The Injustice of Not Being Heard (Jill Stauffer). Hypatia Online Reviews. June 2016.

“Book Review Article of Displacement by Development and Ethics of Global Development” (Penz, Drydyk, and Bose and Crocker) Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, Volume 16, Number 1 (2015): 142-53.

“Relational Remembering and Oppression” Hypatia, Volume 29, Number 2 (2014): 493-508.

“Is the Capability Approach a Sufficient Challenge to Distributive Accounts of Global Justice?” Journal of Global Ethics, Volume 9, Number 2 (August 2013): 145-57.

“A Critical Analysis of Recent Work on Empowerment: Implications for Gender”. Journal of Global Ethics, Volume 9, Number 1 (December 2013): 263-75.