Photo of Manvitha Singamsetty

Manvitha Singamsetty

Contract Instructor

Degrees:B.A. (Delhi University), Diploma in Japanese Studies (Soka University), M.A. (Delhi University), M.Phil (Delhi University), PhD Candidate (University of Ottawa)
Office:Office Hours by Appointment


Manvitha Singamsetty is a PhD candidate in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Ottawa. Her work analyses liberal multiculturalism and suggests Gandhi’s principle of non-violence and practice of satyagraha as a framework for public and political spaces in liberal democratic societies. Her wider research interests include classical Indian philosophy, social and political philosophy, and human-nonhuman relationships in environmental philosophy.

She has over 14+ years of international experience in the D&I sector, including project management, curriculum development and implementation, inter-cultural dialogue, peace negotiations, and community engagement. She has developed curriculum and facilitated over 300 workshops on anti-racism, anti-oppression, microaggressions, workplace cohesion, leadership training, compassion, and building allyship using sociological, anthropological, philosophical, and popular education methodologies. She has worked with federal governments, universities, and community organisations in over 9 countries including, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, India, and Canada.


2006 Singamsetty, Manvitha (with A. Singh), “Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Derrida on Deconstruction, by Barry Stocker — Review”, Metapsychology Online (24 October 2006), Vol 10, No 43.

2007  Singamsetty, Manvitha (with A. Singh), “Gender Trouble by Judith Butler — Review”, Metapsychology Online (23rd October 2007, Vol 11, No 43.)

2008  Initiated the first ever Departmental Journal – Journal of Philosophy, Vol I Issue I titled ‘Metamorphosis’

2016 “A Ticket to Self-Discovery: Situating Yoga in Yoga Travel” in Constructions of Self and Other in Yoga, Travel and Tourism, Eds. Lori G. Beaman and Sonia Sikka, Springer International, 2016, pp. 81-89.

2017 Beyer, Peter., Cummins, Alyshea., Craig, Scott., and Singamsetty, ManvithaCultural and Religious Identity among 18 to 45 year-olds in Canada: A Survey, Summary and Selected Findings. Ottawa, Ontario: The Religion and Diversity Project. Available Online: