For a more frequently updated up-to-date statement of course offerings for 2024-25 and their term of offering, consult the Public Class Schedule available at

Course outlines from previous years can be found in the archives:

Course numbers are linked to Undergraduate Calendar course information.
Course titles will eventually be linked to a Course Outline when they are finalized.

Course outlines will be available starting mid-August.

First Year

FYSM 1210A First Year Seminar, Special Topics (Fall)
FYSM 1210B First Year Seminar, Special Topics (Fall)
FYSM 1210A First Year Seminar, Special Topics (Winter)
FYSM 1210B First Year Seminar, Special Topics (Winter)
PHIL 1000 Introductory Philosophy (Fall)
PHIL 1000 Introductory Philosophy (Winter)
PHIL 1200 The Meaning of Life (Fall)
PHIL 1200 The Meaning of Life (Winter)
PHIL 1301 Mind, World and Knowledge (Fall)
PHIL 1301 Mind, World and Knowledge (Winter)
PHIL 1550 Introduction to Ethics and Social Issues (Fall)
PHIL 1550 Introduction to Ethics and Social Issues (Winter)
PHIL 1610 Great Philosophical Ideas (Fall)
PHIL 1700 Philosophy of Love and Sex (Winter)

Second Year

PHIL 2001A Introduction to Logic (Fall)
PHIL 2001B Introduction to Logic (Fall)
PHIL 2001A Introduction to Logic (Winter)
PHIL 2001B Introduction to Logic (Winter)
PHIL 2003 Critical Thinking (Fall)
PHIL 2003 Critical Thinking (Winter)
PHIL 2005 Greek Philosophy and the Western Tradition (full year course) (not offered)
PHIL 2010 Issues in Theoretical Philosophy (Winter)
PHIL 2020 Issues in Practical Philosophy (Fall)
PHIL 2101 History of Ethics (not offered)
PHIL 2103 Philosophy of Human Rights (Fall)
PHIL 2301 Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (Winter)
PHIL 2306 Philosophy and Feminism (not offered)
PHIL 2307 Gender and Philosophy (Winter)
PHIL 2320 Children, Literature, and Philosophy (Fall)
PHIL 2330 Happiness, Well-being and the Good Life (Winter)
PHIL 2340 Philosophy and Popular Culture (Fall)
PHIL 2380 Introduction to Environmental Ethics (Fall)
PHIL 2401 Ethics of A.I. (Winter)
PHIL 2408 Bioethics (Winter)
PHIL 2501 Introduction to Philosophy of Mind (Fall)
PHIL 2504 Language and Communication (Fall)
PHIL 2540 Personal Identity and the Self (not offered)
PHIL 2550 Moral Psychology (Winter)
PHIL 2601 Philosophy of Religion (not offered)
PHIL 2700 Asian Philosophy (not offered)
PHIL 2901 Truth and Propaganda (Winter)

Third Year

PHIL 3002 17th Century Philosophy (Winter)
PHIL 3003 18th Century Philosophy (not offered)
PHIL 3005 19th Century Philosophy (not offered)
PHIL 3009 Topics in European Philosophy (Fall)
PHIL 3010 Philosophical Traditions (Fall)
PHIL 3140 Epistemology (Fall)
PHIL 3301 Issues in the Philosophy of Science (not offered)
PHIL 3306 Symbolic Logic (Winter)
PHIL 3320 Contemporary Ethical Theory (not offered)
PHIL 3330 Topics in History of Social & Political Philosophy (Winter)
PHIL 3340 Topics in Contemporary, Social & Political Philosophy (Fall)
PHIL 3360 Philosophy, Economics, and Public Policy (not offered)
PHIL 3450 Topics in Aesthetics (Winter)
PHIL 3503 Artificial Intelligence: Philosophical and Ethical Issues (Fall)
PHIL 3503 Artificial Intelligence: Philosophical and Ethical Issues (Winter)
PHIL 3506 Semantics (not offered)
PHIL 3530 Philosophy of Language (not offered)
PHIL 3540 Philosophy of Emotions (not offered)

Fourth Year

Click here to see the topics and abstracts for the Fourth Year Seminars

PHIL 4005 Seminar in Modern Philosophy (not offered)
PHIL 4007 Seminar in Contemporary Philosophy (Fall)
PHIL 4100 Special Topic in Philosophy (Fall)
PHIL 4100 Special Topic in Philosophy (Winter)
PHIL 4220 Seminar in Philosophy of Mind or Cognition (Fall)
PHIL 4220 Seminar in Philosophy of Mind or Cognition (Winter)
PHIL 4300 Seminar in Ethical Theory or Meta-Ethics (not offered)
PHIL 4320 Seminar in Ethics or Moral Philosophy (not offered)
PHIL 4330 Seminar in Social or Political Philosophy (Fall)
PHIL 4330 Seminar in Social or Political Philosophy (Winter)
PHIL 4505 Formal Semantics (not offered)

Summer 2024 Courses

See here for details.