Photo of Alexander  Rudolph

Alexander Rudolph

PhD candidate

Alexander Rudolph is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Political Science at Carleton University, working under the supervision of Dr. Elinor Sloan. Alex’s dissertation project, “Towards a Strategic Doctrine of Cyberspace,” will examine what it means for a country to defend or attack in cyberspace. The project will investigate the theory and doctrine around what power and strategy is in cyberspace by modeling the force development and force structures associated with committing acts of violence, war, conflict, and strategy in cyberspace. Sociology, information security, and the writings of information security researcher and hacker the Grugq are used to inform the creation of methodology to explain how a state develops the strategic means to operate in cyberspace.

Alex’s research interests include the strategic thought of cyberspace, cyber force development, cyber force structures, Canadian cyber defense, Canadian foreign and defense policy, United States foreign and defense policy, NATO cyber policy, and the United Nations. His Master’s thesis, “Thinking beyond Strong, Secure, Engaged: A Strategic Cyber Doctrine for Canada,” explored the implications of Canada’s new offensive cyber posture from its 2017 defense review Strong, Secure, Engaged.

Alex received an International Studies certificate from Victor Valley College in Victorville, California, an Honors Bachelor of Arts in Political Studies from the University of Manitoba, and Master of Arts in Political Science from Carleton University. He also has attended the Seton Hall University’s United Nations Intensive Summer Program and the Canadian Defense and Security Network Summer Institute.

In addition to his PhD studies, Alex regularly contributes to Canadian and international discussions on cyber conflict. Recent contributions include “Canada needs to address risks of aging IT to fend off threats that come with digital government” for CBC News, in Future Maritime & Overland ISR Capabilities, and “Canada’s Active Cyber Defence is Anything But Active” for the Canadian Global Affairs Institute. Outside of his research, Alex works as a research coordinator in the defense consulting industry.