Political Science Undergraduate Program Advising
Our Undergraduate Office provides students with information for planning their program and courses, and support to achieve other academic goals. We’re here for you!
Please note that during peak registration periods responses to emails and Override Requests may be delayed. Your patience and understanding is appreciated as we provide individualized student support.
Our Team
Sarah Landry
Undergraduate Program Administrator
B640 Loeb
Email us: psci.advising@carleton.ca
Aaron Ettinger
Supervisor of Undergraduate Studies
B649 Loeb
Advising Hours
Monday / Wednesday / Thursday
Bookings & Drop ins – 9:00am – 11:30am / 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Tuesday (Online Only) – 9:00am – 11:30am / 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Friday (Drop in Only) – 9:00am – 11:30am / 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Advising times are available by appointment only and should be booked in advance. You can choose to book a 30-minute appointment, either an in-person or virtual session, with Sarah Landry.
To book an appointment, please use the following link Schedule an in-person or virtual meeting and login with your Carleton email address firstnamelastname@cmail.carleton.ca
To book an appointment with Aaron Ettinger, please email him directly.
Students can also connect with the Central Advising unit for assistance: Academic Advising Centre – Current Students : Current Students (carleton.ca)
When contacting the Advising office, please use your Carleton University e-mail address and include your student ID number in your email.
When to see a Program Advisor?
Academic planning is an integral component to ensuring your success at Carleton. We encourage you to meet with an academic advisor to go over your academic plan and path to graduation. We can help you when:
- You need advice about adding or withdrawing from a course
- You are considering adding or changing concentrations
- You are having difficulties in courses
- You are planning to take courses at another institution (in Canada or abroad)
- Your Academic Performance Evaluation was on Academic Warning (AW) or No Decision (ND)
- You have questions about academic performance and requirements
- You are applying for graduation
Important Information and links
- Registration
- PSCI Course Calendar Descriptions (includes prerequisites)
- PSCI Course Outlines