Christopher Reed

A photo of Christopher Reed, Carleton University Political Science Alumnus

Christopher Reed
Director of Parliamentary Affairs
Office of Senator Stephen Greene, Nova Scotia (Halifax – The Citadel)

BA in Political Science with Honours, Concentration in Canadian Politics, 2005

Even before graduating, I became involved in politics, in my third year I was fortunate enough to be CUSA Council Chair while simultaneously serving as a Senate Page.

Following my graduation from Carleton, I continued to work at the Senate of Canada, first as a researcher in the Office of the Deputy Clerk then becoming a Special Assistant in the Office of the Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate in 2006. I also became involved with provincial politics becoming first, the regional youth chair and then later the regional fundraising director for the Ontario PC Party.

In 2011, I became the policy advisor and office manager for Senator Irving Gerstein, Chair of the Senate Banking Committee. In January of 2015, I joined the Office of the Minister of State for Small Business and Tourism as the policy advisor.

Since 2016, I’ve been working for Senator Greene first as a Parliamentary Affairs Advisor before being promoted to Director in 2018. My recent work has focused on Senate modernization including the first article published under my own name in the Canadian Parliamentary Review on the relationship between the House of Commons and the Senate.

I’ve been fortunate enough to work in politics for nearly twenty years, to have studied at three universities, and I always look back upon my time at Carleton fondly. Not only was the education superb, but the interactions I had with my professors and fellow students were always excellent.