Tariqa Tandon

photo of Tariqa Tandon

Team Lead, Knowledge & Communications, Pro Sport Development

MA in Political Science, 2019

After graduating from Carleton, I came to India to be with my family. Though the plan initially was to stay only for a few months, the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing global lockdowns and travel restrictions have meant that I have not been able to come back to Canada.

When I first came back, I was initially working as a consultant for a social enterprise based in New Delhi which uses sport as a tool for development, named Pro Sport Development. Since I have had to stay on in India, I have now started working with them full time, as the knowledge and communications team lead. In my role, I work on writing about the various aspects of the sport for development and peace field and conducting research on the same.

During this time, I have also been working on a research project based out of MacEwan University, Edmonton, in the field of continuing and adult education.

The research and critical thinking skills that I developed in Carleton greatly helped me in my current job. While many believe that sport is an apolitical field, the reality is that access to sport is inequitable. The sport for development and peace field works not only to rectify this inequitable access, but to also harness the power of sport in bringing about sustainable change in the world.