Barbra Chimhandamba

photo of Barbra Chimhandamba

Public Policy Advisor – Canadian Foodgrains Bank

PhD in Political Science, 2022

I completed my PhD in Political Science in January 2022 and immediately secured a position as an Alex Trebek postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for International Policy Studies at the University of Ottawa for 14 months. During that time, I co-published a policy brief entitled “Canada-African Union Relations: Towards A Shared Agenda” (with R. Abrahamsen), in February 2023. I also co-edited a Special Issue in Global Studies Quarterly 3(3) 2023 (with R. Abrahamsen and F. Chipato) and co-authored “Introduction: The African Union, Pan-Africanism and the Liberal World (Dis)Order” Global Studies Quarterly 3(3) 2023 (with R. Abrahamsen and F. Chipato).

In August 2023, I started my current position as a Public Policy Advisor at Canadian Foodgrains Bank, a Christian non-profit organization working to end global hunger. Based in Ottawa, I am part of a project team working to influence public policy changes necessary to end global hunger, with a focus on increasing Canadians’ support for international development assistance and aid for agricultural development in the Global South. My responsibilities also include government relations and advocacy.

Apart from the enjoyable and supportive educational experience at Carleton, my professors, staff and my peers provided an amazing network that has opened doors in my career.