Photo of Max Wu

Max Wu

Degrees:BA (National Taiwan University); MA (National Chengchi University, Carleton University); PhD (Carleton University)

Adjunct Research Professor

Max Wu is an adjunct research professor and contract instructor with Carleton University’s Department of Political Science. Prior to this, he had done much of his work related to the China and Indo-Pacific area in the Taipei-based National Chengchi University and Institute of International Relations. In his earlier doctoral studies at Carleton’s Political Science Department, he used Social Constructivism in IR and historical/sociological schools of New Institutionalism to trace the development of global “one China” institution and Canada’s role in the early historical process. His research interests have focused on the role of ideas, institutions or norm in shaping policy direction and contours, domestic or international alike. Archival information was much relied upon to make his case.

Most recently, his research interests have been extended to a relationalist perspective and a cultural-psychological approach by which he seeks to reflect on the issue of exchange and reciprocity in the interaction process, domestically or internationally, and to explore their historical, contemporary relevance and limitations, especially in the context of East Asian practice.

At Carleton, he has taught courses related to East Asia region, namely “Foreign Policies of Major East Asian Powers”; “State, Society and Economy in Northeast Asia.”

Selected Publications

“City Diplomacy, Multilateral Networks and the Role of Southeast Asia” Global Strategis, June 2020, Issue 14, No. 1, pp. 17-29.

“Exceptionalism under a Glass Ceiling? Taiwan’s Democratic Development and Challenges” in Anna Rudakowska, Ewa Trojnar and Agata W. Zietek eds. Taiwan’s Exceptionalism (Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press 2019), pp. 79-115.

“From Model to Solutions? The China Experience and Its Implication”, Monde Chinois: nouvelle Asie, 2018, No. 54/55, pp. 111-20.

“Bridging `Forbidden’ and `True North’ Nations: Taiwan’s Agency in Canada’s China Policy” in Thomas Adams and Pitman Potter eds. Issues in Canada-China Relations (Toronto: Canadian International Council, 2011), pp. 67-88.

“Maintaining Status Quo across the Taiwan Strait: A Constructivist/Institutionalist Perspective” Issues & Studies, Vol. 44, No. 1, March 2008: 33-70.

“Canada and the Global Diffusion of `One China’” in Andre Lecours ed. New Institutionalism: Theory and Analysis, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005), pp.319-340