Photo of Beatriz  Juárez-Rodríguez

Beatriz Juárez-Rodríguez

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Degrees:Ph.D. Anthropology (University of Western Ontario), M.A. (Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones científicas), B.A. (Universidad Central de Venezuela)

Areas of Interest

Political anthropology, race and racialization, ethno-racial social movements and the state in Latin America, black feminism, African diaspora studies, memory studies.


I completed my undergraduate studies in Anthropology at the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) and finished my masters in Anthropology at Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC). I successfully defended my PhD dissertation in fall 2020 in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Western Ontario (UWO).

My academic research has focused on the intersection of ethnic, racial and gender identities, Black women’s social organizations, ethno-racial social movements, multiculturalism and post neoliberal states in Venezuela and Ecuador. My doctoral research involves a political ethnography among Afro women’s organizations in the north highland region of Ecuador, that aims to analyse their political practices and antiracist discourses, in order to show how they are challenging state exclusionary and racist public policies. I am also focusing on the politics of memory and how social organizations and community members engage in collective processes of recovering their past and mobilize local historical memories as political strategies to create a shared history of resistance and struggles against national oblivion, political oppression and social injustice. In addition to my own research, I am also on the research team for the project “Surviving Memory in Post-Civil War El Salvador” led by Amanda Grzyb in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies at UWO.


Juárez Rodríguez, Beatriz and Barbarita Lara. Panteón Viejo Jardín de la Memoria de los Ancestros Martina Carrillo. Una apuesta político-territorial de la diáspora africana en el Ecuador [“The Garden of Ancestral Memory Martina Carrillo. A Political-Territorial Project of the African Diaspora in Ecuador]. In Antropologia y Arqueologia AfroLatina, eds Balanzategui, Daniela and Edizon León [Forthcoming].

Juárez Rodríguez, Beatriz. 2018. “Estado Vivido y Estado Anhelado: Etnografía de lo Político a Partir de los Marcos Discursivos Producidos en la Comunidad Rural de El Jobito, estado Miranda” [“Lived State and Desired State: Political Ethnography in the Rural Community of El Jobito, Barlovento”]. Journal Fermentun 28 (82): 308-340

Caballero, Hortensia, Krisna Ruette, and Beatriz Juárez (invited editors) (2018) “Introducción: Hacia una Etnografía de lo Político en la Venezuela Contemporanea” [“Introduction. Toward a Political Ethnography in Contemporary Venezuela”]. Journal Fermentun 28 (82): 215-242.

Juárez Rodríguez, Beatriz. 2013. “Representación e Imagen del Policía de Caracas: Apuntes para el Debate sobre la Convivencia Ciudadana.” [“Representations and Images of the Caracas Policeman: Notes for the Debate on Citizen Coexistence”]. Revista Venezolana de Economía y Ciencias Sociales 19 (1):111-146.