Photo of Linda Freeman

Linda Freeman

Professor Department of Political Science

Degrees:BA (British Columbia) PGCE (University of London, UK) MA, PhD (Toronto)

Selected Publications

“A Parallel Universe – Competing Interpretations of Zimbabwe’s Crisis,” Journal of Contemporary African Studies XXXII, 3 (September 2014), 349-366.

“Nelson Mandela, the honorary Canadian.” oped commentary, The Globe and Mail, 5 December 2013.

“Contradictory Constructions of the Crisis in Zimbabwe,” Historia (journal of the South African Historical Association), L, 2 (November 2005), 287-310.

“South Africa’s Zimbabwe Policy: Unravelling the Contradictions,” Journal of Contemporary African Studies, XXII, 2 (May 2005), 1-26.

The Ambiguous Champion: Canada and South Africa in the Trudeau and Mulroney Years. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997), xiii, 466pp.

“Canada and South Africa – Theorizing Canadian Foreign Policy,” The Politics of Change in Southern Africa, ed. Dan O’Meara, Montreal: Canadian Research Consortium on Southern Africa, 1995, 288-310.

“Contradictions of Independence: Namibia in Transition.” Transformation, 17 (1992), 25-47. (a South African journal)