Photo of Sophie Robinson

Sophie Robinson

Marxist Feminist Perspectives on Labour, Class and Social Reproduction Theory & Basic Income and Class Relations in Canada

Degrees:MA Candidate

Before beginning your studies at the Institute of Political Economy where did you study and what program(s) were you enrolled in?

Before coming to Carleton, I received a BA (Hons) in International Development Studies from Trent University.

What is it specifically that attracted you to study Political Economy at Carleton?

I was interested in the small size of the program as well as the freedom it gave me to decide exactly what I want to study. I wanted to focus on political economy as the basis of my research while expanding my knowledge in other subjects as well, so the interdisciplinary nature of the program fit my needs perfectly.

My areas of research interest include…

Marxist feminist perspectives on labour, Marxist approaches to class, and social reproduction theory. I am currently pursuing a research paper on the potentialities and limitations of basic income to alter class relations in Canada.

What activities have you been involved in lately? (work placement, work experience, Undergraduate research, research positions, volunteer work, awards, travel, favourite books)

I have really been enjoying as much time outside as possible, especially time out on the water in a canoe. Plus, lots of time at the dog park with my pug Rosie.

What advice would you give to a prospective Political Economy graduate student?

Print your readings so you can take lots of notes! Remember to leave time for yourself, you will feel overwhelmed at first but you can do it! Don’t be afraid to ask questions!