Carleton Town Hall on Cycling and Free Bike Tune-Ups
Campus Safety Services to join panel on safe cycling.
Nov. 2nd, 2012
All members of the Carleton and surrounding communities are invited to have their say at the Carleton Town Hall on Cycling. It’s a must-attend for people concerned about safety and cycling advocacy. The discussion will start with comments from knowledgeable panelists:
David Chernushenko, City Councillor for the Capital Ward
Paul Dewar, Member of Parliament for Ottawa-Centre and host of the Ottawa Cycling Summit
Kyle Gallinger, Special Constable with the Campus Safety Services and certified instructor on cycling safety
Free bike tune-ups will be offered to faculty, staff and students from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm on Tuesday, November 6. Bike repair stations will be located on the first floor of the University Centre building between the Bookstore and Oliver’s.
This event is brought to you by the Graduate Students’ Association, Ontario Public Interest Research Group – Carleton, Office of Student Affairs, Campus Safety Services, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 4600, Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 2424
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DUS Contact:
S/Cst Mark Hargreaves
Community Liaison Officer
613-520-2600 ext 1594