October 17th 2012
Be on the lookout for red shoe laces in support of the Special Olympics
Be a fan campaign is a national awareness and fundraising initiative in support of Special Olympics. The Special Olympics’ movement transforms communities by inspiring people to open their minds to accept and include people with intellectual disabilities and to celebrate differences among all people while recognizing and respecting the similarities we all share.
This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the Law Enforcement Torch Run program in Canada. The men and women in Law Enforcement are Special Olympics’ biggest FANS!
The Campus Safety Services and agencies across the country will celebrate Be a Fan Day on Thursday, October 25th, which includes wearing distinctive Special Olympics red laces in their boots.
There will be many events and activities taking place leading up to October 25th. To find out more on this exciting campaign and see how you can get involved, or to find out how you can receive red laces to help promote and spread awareness of the Special Olympics movement, visit us at www.beafancanada.com.
DUS Contact:
S/Cst Mark Hargreaves Community Liaison Officer 613-520-2600 ext. 1594 mark_hargreaves@carleton.ca
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