The Campus Safety Services (CSS) Department Engagement and Inclusion Officer (EIO) Program represents the department’s effort to be an active partner in improving the campus climate. CSS believes our entire community should be invested in cultivating an inclusive campus and has collaborated with several university departments and student groups to continually improve these efforts.

The aim of the EIO Program is to help CSS engage and interact with our campus community while also building mutual respect and trust between community members and officers. This work will be guided by the institutional Action Plan – CSS Service Excellence and Community Engagement. The EIO will work with partner departments and student groups to increase opportunities for interaction with community members in non-law enforcement related settings. The EIO will work towards these objectives in collaboration with the Community Safety Co-ordinator.

Campus Safety Services Action Plan – Update 2023

Campus Safety Services Action Plan – Update 2022

Campus Safety Services Action Plan – Update 2021

Campus Safety Services Action Plan – Update 2020

EIO Objectives

  • Foster a culture of respect and equity in which all students and staff can prosper without fear or discrimination.
  • Enhance current partnerships and build new connections that further unify our community.
  • Increase CSS’ – Campus Safety Officers’ (Special Constables) and Student Safety Patrollers capacity to respond to individuals with differing expectations, needs, or abilities.
  • Actively participate in campus initiatives working toward a more diverse and inclusive Carleton University. 

EIO Program will focus on key areas to achieve its objectives:

Community Engagement: Increase proactive efforts to engage all members of the Carleton community to further build positive relationships between CSS and the campus community. Community engagement would focus on:

  • In collaboration with campus stakeholders review current community engagement activities and identify opportunities for continuous improvement
  • Establish integrated approach that focuses on community well-being and identify the gaps

Benchmarking and Outreach: With the support of the Office of Quality Initiatives (OQI), explore opportunities to attract a more diverse applicant pool to Campus Safety Officer job competitions. Following the recommendations from the 2019 LEAN process, which reviewed recruitment and on-boarding activities of the department, implement the following:

  • Develop promotional materials/update the CSS website to better market positions to diverse populations and attract them to come to Ottawa/Carleton University
  • Attend job fairs and liaise with other law enforcement/security employers to learn and share best practices for diverse and inclusive recruitment and hiring practices