Laptop Registration

Theft on campus accounts for the loss of tens of thousands of dollars worth of personal and university property every year. There is also the significant inconvenience caused to those losing personal and academic information. The Campus Safety Services is always looking to provide proactive theft reduction initiatives to the Carleton University community.
CSS now offers LAPTOP REGISTRATION for just $20
The STOP Theft Laptop program features:
- a cost-effective visual deterrent to theft,
- proven record in theft reduction,
- provides proof of ownership for equipment and,
- has a chemically bonded “Stolen Property” tattoo.
Aids in the Recovery of Lost or Stolen Property
- 24-hour toll free number for found or recovered laptops and
- owner notified of recovery and location.
Campus Theft Prevention Tips
- Always lock your residence room,
- Store your laptop and other valuables in a safe place,
- Never leave your laptop in a parked car or trunk,
- Never leave your backpack unattended,
- Take your valuables with you at all times,
- Back up your important academic data,
For more information on the Stop Theft Laptop Registration program see the STOP Theft Laptop Registration Program brochure or contact the Community Liaison Officer at 613-520-2600 ext 1594 or 203 Robertson Hall.