SCS Printers for Faculty and Staff
Departmental Printer Setup Instructions
Printing Services

Students can print using Carleton CU on the Go. There are several print stations distributed across the campus to which you can print: CU on the GO: Printing

SCS Printers for Faculty and Staff

SCS staff and faculty have access to these shared printers:

Printer Location printername Colour Printer Description/Notes
HP5390 (Photocopy Room) pshp5390 YES Konica Minolta BizHub C258
HP5302 (Main Office) pshp5302-a YES Konica Minolta BizHub C3351
HP5420 (DSI Mail Room) pshp5420 NO

All the printer locations require an access card (Campus Card) to enter the locations

Please note that Windows 11 printing is only supported on Windows 11 computers connected to the CUNET domain.

Departmental Printer Setup Instructions

ITS setup instructions for all operating systems can be found here: Simply substitute the desired printername (from the list above) during the setup procedure:

Printing Services