Fall & Winter Combined
Full-Time Domestic Graduate Status First Year Upper Years
Diploma in Architectural Conservation          8,911.08          8,551.08
Diploma in Curatorial Studies          7,135.08          7,023.08
Diploma in Ethics and Public Affairs          7,135.08          7,023.08
Diploma in Health: Science, Technology and Policy          9,133.08          8,981.08
Diploma in Indigenous Policy and Administration          8,911.08          8,763.08
Diploma in Infrastructure Protection and International Security (DIPIS)          8,985.08          8,835.08
Diploma in Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership          8,911.08          8,763.08
Diploma in Public Administration          8,911.08          8,763.08
Diploma in Public Policy and Program Evaluation          8,911.08          8,763.08
Master in Human-Computer Interaction (MA)          9,133.08          8,981.08
Master in Human-Computer Interaction (MASC)          9,133.08          8,981.08
Master in Human-Computer Interaction (MCS)          9,133.08          8,981.08
Master in Sustainable Energy (MA)          9,133.08          8,981.08
Master in Sustainable Energy (MASC)          9,133.08          8,981.08
Master in Sustainable Energy (MENG)          9,133.08          8,981.08
Master of Accounting        12,743.08          12,743.08
Master of Applied Science          7,899.08          7,587.08
Master of Architectural Studies          8,911.08          8,551.08
Master of Architecture          8,911.08          8,551.08
Master of Arts in International Affairs          8,911.08          8,763.08
Master of Arts in Public Administration          8,911.08          8,763.08
Master of Business Administration        10,039.08          9,639.08
Master of Cognitive Science          7,135.08          7,023.08
Master of Computer Science          7,899.08          7,587.08
Master of Design          8,563.08          8,219.08
Master of Engineering          8,563.08          8,219.08
Master of Engineering: IPIS          8,985.08          8,835.08
Master of Entrepreneurship          8,563.08          8,219.08
Master of Information Technology: Digital Media          7,899.08          7,587.08
Master of Information Technology: Network Technology          8,563.08          8,219.08
Master of Infrastructure Protection and International Security          8,985.08          8,835.08
Master of Journalism          8,985.08          8,835.08
Master of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership          8,911.08          8,763.08
Master of Political Management          8,915.08          8,767.08
Master of Public Policy and Administration (MPPA)          8,911.08          8,763.08
Master of Science          7,135.08          7,023.08
Master of Science in Health: Science, Technology and Policy          9,133.08          8,981.08
Master of Science in Management          8,911.08          8,763.08
Master of Social Work          7,743.08          7,619.08
All other Masters Programs          7,135.08          7,023.08
PhD in Architecture          8,213.08          8,079.08
PhD in Cognitive Science          6,829.08          6,829.08
PhD in Computer Science          7,441.08          7,323.08
PhD in Engineering          7,441.08          7,323.08
PhD in Information Technology (DM)          7,441.08          7,323.08
PhD in International Affairs          6,829.08          6,829.08
PhD in Public Policy          6,829.08          6,829.08
PhD in Social Work          7,743.08          7,619.08
All other PhD Programs          6,829.08          6,829.08
Qualifying Year: Architecture        11,221.08          10,751.08
All other Qualifying Year          8,599.08          8,387.08
Senior Citizens          5,971.08          5,881.08

Part-time Domestic Graduate Status (Single Term) First Year Upper Year
<0.60 Billing Hours >=0.6 Billing Hours <0.60 Billing Hours >=0.6 Billing Hours
Diploma in Architectural Conservation 1369.95 1967.95 1308.95 1878.95
Diploma in Conflict Resolution* 1925.64 3851.27 1925.64 3851.27
Diploma in Curatorial Studies 1067.95 1526.95 1048.95 1498.95
Diploma in Ethics and Public Affairs 1067.95 1526.95 1048.95 1498.95
Diploma in Health: Science, Technology and Policy 1409.95 2026.95 1383.95 1988.95
Diploma in Indigenous Policy and Administration 1373.95 1970.95 1348.95 1934.95
Diploma in Infrastructure Protection and International Security (DIPIS) 1383.95 1989.95 1358.95 1952.95
Diploma in Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership 1373.95 1970.95 1348.95 1934.95
Diploma in Public Administration 1373.95 1970.95 1348.95 1934.95
Diploma in Public Policy and Program Evaluation 1373.95 1970.95 1348.95 1934.95
Master in Human-Computer Interaction (MA) 1409.95 2026.95 1383.94 1988.95
Master in Human-Computer Interaction (MASC) 1409.95 2026.95 1383.95 1988.95
Master in Human-Computer Interaction (MCS) 1409.95 2026.95 1383.95 1988.95
Master in Sustainable Energy (MA) 1409.95 2026.95 1383.95 1988.95
Master in Sustainable Energy (MASC) 1409.95 2026.95 1383.95 1988.95
Master in Sustainable Energy (MENG) 1409.95 2026.95 1383.95 1988.95
Master of Accounting 2032.95 2912.95 2032.95 2912.95
Master of Applied Science 1196.95 1714.95 1143.95 1637.95
Master of Architectural Studies 1369.95 1967.95 1308.95 1878.95
Master of Architecture 1369.95 1967.95 1308.95 1878.95
Master of Arts in International Affairs 1373.95 1970.95 1348.95 1934.95
Master of Arts in Public Administration 1373.95 1970.95 1348.95 1934.95
Master of Business Administration 1544.95 2208.95 1476.95 2109.95
Master of Cognitive Science 1067.95 1526.95 1048.95 1498.95
Master of Computer Science 1196.95 1714.95 1143.95 1637.95
Master of Design 1311.95 1879.95 1253.95 1794.95
Master of Engineering 1311.95 1879.95 1253.95 1794.95
Master of Engineering: IPIS 1383.95 1989.95 1358.95 1952.95
Master of Entrepreneurship 1311.95 1879.95 1253.95 1794.95
Master of Information Technology: Digital Media 1196.95 1714.95 1143.95 1637.95
Master of Information Technology: Network Technology 1311.95 1879.95 1253.95 1794.95
Master of Infrastructure Protection and International Security 1383.95 1989.95 1358.95 1952.95
Master of Journalism 1383.95 1989.95 1358.95 1952.95
Master of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership 1373.95 1970.95 1348.95 1934.95
Master of Political Management 1371.95 1969.95 1346.95 1933.95
Master of Public Policy and Administration (MPPA) 1373.95 1970.95 1348.95 1934.95
Master of Science 1067.95 1526.95 1048.95 1498.95
Master of Science in Health: Science, Technology and Policy 1409.95 2026.95 1383.95 1988.95
Master of Science in Management 1373.95 1970.95 1348.95 1934.95
Master of Social Work 1173.95 1673.95 1152.95 1643.95
All other Masters Programs 1067.95 1526.95 1048.95 1498.95
PhD in Architecture 1186.95 1698.95 1165.95 1667.95
PhD in Cognitive Science 1009.95 1439.95 1009.95 1439.95
PhD in Computer Science 1120.95 1602.95 1100.95 1573.95
PhD in Engineering 1120.95 1602.95 1100.95 1573.95
PhD in Information Technology (DM) 1120.95 1602.95 1100.95 1573.95
PhD in International Affairs 1009.95 1439.95 1009.95 1439.95
PhD in Public Policy 1009.95 1439.95 1009.95 1439.95
PhD in Social Work 1173.95 1673.95 1152.95 1643.95
All other PhD Programs 1009.95 1439.95 1009.95 1439.95
Qualifying Year: Architecture 1226.95 1758.95 1172.95 1679.95
All other Qualifying Year 1086.95 1555.95 1057.95 1512.95
Senior Citizens 869.95 1234.95 854.95 1212.95

The fees quoted above include all compulsory miscellaneous fees.

The University reserves the right to change fees and refund policies without notice. Please take a moment to review the Tuition fee notes.

*Diploma in Conflict Resolution fees are charged per course.

How are my fees calculated?

Graduate fees are based upon your admission type – Graduate students admitted as full-time students are charged full-time fees, regardless of the number of courses taken.

Graduate students admitted as part-time students are charged part-time fees, depending on the number of billing hours taken.

What is a billing hour?

For Graduate students, the billing hours for a particular course are usually equal to the academic credit value for the course; however, some exceptions can occur, such as thesis/research work and certain intensive language courses. To confirm the billing hours of your selected courses, view the Add/Drop page of Carleton Central – your billing and academic credit hours are summarized here.

How do I calculate my fees?

If you are a full-time graduate student, find your program and year of study in the full-time table above.

If you are a part-time graduate student, and if you know the number of billing hours you have, or plan to have, calculate your total billing hours and then find your program and year of student the part-time table above.

In addition, the ‘Calculate Amount to Pay’ page on Carleton Central will automatically perform this calculation.

Compulsory Miscellaneous Fees

Included in the fees quoted above are the following compulsory miscellaneous fees. Each is an allocation of the Board of Governors’ approved composite fee.

Carleton University uses a portion of every student’s fees, as approved by the Board of Governors, to support services on campus. Fees for campus services are not use-based. Students are not eligible for a refund if they do not use one or more of the campus services. The limited exceptions to this rule are noted on the main fee page.

Compulsory Miscellaneous Fees
Full-Time Domestic Graduate Status
(Fall & Winter Term) MBA MAcc Social Work All Other Programs
Upass 419.36 419.36 419.36 419.36
GSA Insurance 393 393 393 393
Sprott Career Levy 180 180
Student Association (GSA) 233.18 233.18 233.18 233.18
Charlatan 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84
Athletics 176.18 176.18 176.18 176.18
Sprott MBA Society 100
Sprott MAcc Society 100
Health Services 65.84 65.84 65.84 65.84
Omnibus 27.02 27.02 27.02 27.02
Social Work Association 20
Career Services 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66
Totals: 1605.08 1605.08 1345.08 1325.08
Compulsory Miscellaneous Fees
Part-Time Domestic Graduate Status
(Single term) MBA MAcc Social Work All Other Programs
Sprott Career Levy 27 27
Student Association (GSA) 35.01 35.01 35.01 35.01
Sprott MAcc Society 25
Charlatan 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58
Athletics 26.43 26.43 26.43 26.43
Health Services 9.88 9.88 9.88 9.88
Omnibus 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05
Social Work Association 3
Career Services 1 1 1 1
Totals: 103.95 128.95 79.95 76.95