Registration Questions
Fee Payment Questions
Refund Questions
Carleton Central Questions
Common Questions Relating to Other Departments
Tax Questions
Optional Non-Tuition Fees Questions
On November 21, 2019, Ontario’s Divisional Court overturned the Student Choice Initiative that directed some non-tuition fees to become optional. The province has applied for leave to appeal this decision, so uncertainty remains in the long term. At this time Carleton is respecting the court’s decision and will be closing our opt-out system effective immediately. As such, going forward, students will no longer be able to opt-out of any fees previously deemed to be optional non-tuition fees under the Student Choice Initiative. However, no fees will be charged retroactively. Carleton University is continuing to monitor the situation and will provide updates as they become available.
Registration Questions
- When can I register?
For Fall registration, you will need to find out your time-ticket. Check your ‘Getting Started’ page on Carleton Central under the Registration menu for your personalized time-ticket, or visit the Registrar’s Office website for more information about registration dates and deadlines
- I need help registering. Who should I talk to?
Contact the Registrar’s Office for assistance with registration if you are an Undergraduate or Special student. If you are a Graduate student, contact your department or the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs.
- When are the deadlines to avoid charges, fines, etc.?
Due dates vary depending on the term, but can be checked on the Dates & Deadlines page. Check the specific date each term.
- When I try to register on Carleton Central, I am told I have holds. What should I do?
First, check and see what type of hold it is. If it is a financial hold, you need to make a payment to clear your outstanding balance on your student account. You can view your balance by selecting Calculate Amount to Pay on Carleton Central. For our accepted payment methods, please see: www.carleton.ca/fees/payment. Holds require 48 hours to clear once a payment has been posted to your account.
- I do not have holds but still cannot register, What should I do?
Contact the Registrar’s Office for assistance with registration if you are an Undergraduate or Special student. If you are a Graduate student, contact your department or the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs.
- When is the last day I can drop a class and get a refund?
Check the Dates & Deadlines page. Note that the academic drop date and the fee adjustment drop date are NOT identical.Visit our Financial Withdrawal Policy page for more information.
- When is the last day I can formally withdraw from a class with no academic repercussions?
Please see the Dates & Deadlines page. Please note that the academic drop date and the fee adjustment drop date are NOT identical.
- Do I need to pay a registration deposit?
Unless otherwise specified in your offer letter, a registration deposit is not required.
Fee Payment Questions
- When are fees due?
Due dates vary depending on the term, but can be checked on the Dates & Deadlines page.
- Does Carleton accept credit card payments?
Not at this time. Bill payment through online banking is our preferred method of payment.
- What methods of payment does Carleton accept?
Please refer to our payment methods page.
- What is the preferred way to pay my student account balance if my family lives outside of Canada?
The most efficient way for an international student or their family to pay their student account is through CIBC International Student Pay or Convera’s platform (formerly Western Union’s GlobalPay for Students). This option allows you to pay your student account billed in Canadian dollars in the currency of your choice. International students can choose to make a payment to Carleton University by selecting the International Currency Payment option under Registration/Student Accounts from the main menu in Carleton Central. Refunds for payments made by international transfer must be returned to the original sender’s account by international transfer.
Additional FAQs on the two available international payment methods are available on the Payment from Outside Canada page.
- What if I have questions on the CIBC International StudentPay payment option
Additional FAQs on CIBC International StudentPay payment option are available on the Payment from Outside Canada page.
- What if I have questions on the Convera (formerly WUBS GlobalPay) payment option?
Additional FAQs on Convera as a payment option are available on the Payment from Outside Canada page.
- Who do I call if I have a question about my student account?
For questions regarding your Carleton University student account, please contact student_accounts@carleton.ca or 613-520-2600 x3626.
- Do I have to pay for both terms at the same time?
No – while many students and parents prefer to pay the entire academic year up-front, you do have an option to pay by term, provided your payments are received by the associated deadlines. Make sure you are aware of the late and interest charge penalties for late payment, as well as our financial hold policy.
- How can I check my balance?
You may check your balance online via your Carleton Central account in the Calculate Amount to Pay menu. This will display your current balance that you have to pay. This option takes into consideration any pending payment arrangements such as scholarships/awards and payroll arrangements as well as any accrued interest.
- Can I send a payment via courier?
Our mailing address for payments is a Post Office box, so please do not send payments via courier (or via any mail service that requires someone to sign for receipt of the parcel).
- Can I pay in person?
The University does not provide a method of paying tuition fees at the University in person. We strongly encourage students to use Internet banking to make their payments. This payment option is fast, guaranteed, and available 24/7. Please see payment methods for more information or alternative payment methods.
- How long will my payment take to process?
For online or telebanking payments, two or three days for processing is normal. If you have mailed your payment, expect 3-5 business days for mailing, and then up to three business days for processing. Make sure to leave enough time for your payment to arrive by our deadlines.
- I need a receipt, how do I get one?
You can print a copy of your account summary from Carleton Central. After logging in, under the Registration submenu, then Student Accounts, click on “Calculate Amount to Pay”. You will see a summary of your charges and credits for each term. At the bottom of each term when it is expanded, there is an option to ‘View Printable Version’. This printable version can be printed or saved as a PDF. The document contains Carleton University’s logo and your information such as your name, ID and statement date.
If you paid via electronic banking, your record of payment will appear on your bank statement for that month.
If you require an official receipt (to apply for reimbursement from an employer, for example), please contact our office at student_accounts@carleton.ca after the financial drop date for the given term has passed. We can produce a receipt for individual payments, or for a given semester. We can also produce an official statement of your account if required. Please keep in mind that your payment has to be processed and cleared before we can issue an official receipt.
Important: We will NOT issue official receipts until after the financial drop date for the applicable term has passed.
- Can I make my payment after the deadline if I need more time?
Yes – Subject to late and interest charges and possible financial holds, you may complete your payment after the due date. You will need to clear the overdue amount before being allowed to register into subsequent terms.
- I still owe fees from a previous session, can I register for this session and pay for both together?
If your delinquent balance from a prior session is greater than $100.00, you must clear your account balance BEFORE you can re-register.
- I want to use Scholarship/Payroll Deduction to pay my fees. How do I do so?
After completing course registration, please Click on “Calculate Amount to Pay” from the “Registration” menu inside Carleton Central. Graduate students with funding will be presented with a button to ‘Assign / View Funding’, click this button and follow the on-screen prompts.
- I am receiving OSAP but I won't receive it until after the tuition deadline, will I get charged a late fee?
OSAP students with an approved OSAP entitlement prior to the tuition deadline will automatically receive a deferral deadline. Please refer to our payment schedule.
- What is a billing hour?
Fees are assessed based on the billing hours for the courses selected in each term. For the most part, for undergraduate fees, the billing hours for a course are the same as the academic credit value for the course (some exceptions occur, such as thesis/research work). For example, a 0.5 credit course has 0.5 billing hours. A 1.0 credit course will have 1.0 billing hours. A full session 1.0 credit course (September-April course) will be assessed 0.5 billing hours in the Fall term and 0.5 billing hours in the Winter term.
- Can I opt out of the fall 2022, winter 2023 or summer 2023 UPass?
If your course load is delivered entirely online, you are eligible to opt out of the UPass within the opt out deadline for each term. To opt out, you will submit the request on Carleton Central by selecting ‘Request UPASS Optout’ under Student Online Applications. For more information, visit the U-Pass Opt-Out Process page.
Refund Questions
- I have a credit balance on my student account. How can I request my refund?
If you have a credit balance on your student account, you can request a refund through your Carleton Central account. Under the Student Accounts section, there is a link titled “Request Refund”. Depending on the amount of your refund, you have four options: campus card transfer, e-transfer, cheque, or donate to Carleton.
The Campus card transfers option is available for students with a credit of $2,500 or less.
The e-transfers option is available for student with credits between $10 and $24,999.
The cheques option is available for student with credits greater than $50.
We encourage all students to select the eTransfer refund option if it is available.
For the e-transfer security answer, please enter only numbers and letters. Do not use a date as your security answer and keep in mind that the text is case sensitive.
- I am an international student, what happens if my visa and/or study permit is rejected?
If your visa or study permit is rejected, you will need to withdraw from your courses before the financial withdrawal deadlines in order to have your fees reversed. If you have already paid your tuition fees, once you are withdrawn from your courses, a credit will be created on your student account and you will be eligible to request a refund by sending an email request to student_accounts@carleton.ca.
Refunds for international payments must be refunded back to the original sender’s account. No exceptions to this policy will be made. Refunds that are issued in international currency will utilize the exchange rate valid at the time the refund is processed.
More information can be found on our refund policy page.
- I have a credit balance but the refund system won't let me submit a refund, why?
You may have a pending credit (i.e. scholarship) that has not been released yet, as you need to meet certain eligibility criteria to keep pending credits, you will not be able to request a refund until the credit is applied to your student account. Your refund may not be processed until after certain deadlines.
For more information on the refund schedule, please visit the refund policy page.
- How long will it take for my refund request to be processed?
Student Accounts makes every effort to process refund requests within 10 business days. During peak periods, however, it may take longer. In addition, refund requests for the current term may not be reviewed by the Student Accounts department until after the financial withdrawal date for the term.
For more information about the financial withdrawal deadlines and a refund schedule, please visit the refund policy page.
- How does the e-transfer option work?
The e-transfer option can only be used if you have a Canadian bank account and if your credit is between $10 and $24,999. Once you have selected the e-transfer option, you will be prompted to create a security question and answer. For the security answer, please enter only numbers and letters. Do not use a date as your security answer and keep in mind that the text is case sensitive. If you are entitled to receive your refund, you will receive the e-transfer to your Carleton University e-mail (usually within 10 business days). The e-transfer will prompt you to log into your online bank account and answer your security question before selecting an account to deposit to. You are not required to have your online banking account linked to your Carleton University email in order to deposit your refund but if the option with your bank is available, this is recommended.
- How important is the e-transfer security answer?
It is extremely important that your e-transfer answer is something unique, cannot be easily guessed or obtained and only you know. It is your way of safeguarding your money. If someone gains access to your emails and can guess your security answer, they will be able to deposit your money.
If the option is available, it is recommended that you sign up for auto-deposit with your bank and your Carleton email.
Government of Canada has a webpage on evaluating how strong is your password?
Please refer to the FAQ regarding examples of weak passwords.
- What are some examples of weak e-transfer security questions and answers?
Please do not use these as your e-transfer security questions and answers as they are easily able to be guessed by others.
Q: What is my student ID:
A: [student’s ID]Q: What school do I attend?
A: CarletonQ: What colour is the sky?
A: BlueQ: The answer is yes.
A: yesAdditional examples, what is my sister’s name? What is my pet’s name? are also questions where the answers can be easily guessed.
Government of Canada has a webpage on evaluating how strong is your password?
- How can I cancel a refund request?
If you request a refund through Carleton Central and then wish to cancel it, you need to contact the Student Accounts department at student_accounts@carleton.ca. All requests should be sent from your Carleton University e-mail address.
- Why is one of the refund methods unavailable to me?
Depending on the amount of your credit, certain refund methods may not be available. In order to have the option to transfer the credit to your campus card, your credit must be $2,500 or less. The e-transfer option is only available for credits between $10 and $24,999. Cheques can be produced for credits greater than $50.
- Can I issue my refund to a third party?
Refunds to anyone other than the student cannot be processed through Carleton Central. In order to request that your credit be refunded to a third party, please contact student_accounts@carleton.ca. All requests must be sent from your Carleton University e-mail address and should include the name and address of the third party.
- How can I get a new cheque issued if the original cheque has been lost or is expired?
If your cheque has been lost (or you never received it in the mail), please contact student_accounts@carleton.ca to request that your cheque be cancelled and reissued. All requests must be sent from your Carleton University e-mail address.
If your cheque has expired, please bring the expired cheque to the Student Accounts office located at 301 Pigiarvik (ᐱᒋᐊᕐᕕᒃ) (formerly Robertson Hall) and we will begin the process of reissuing your cheque.
- What should I do if I do not receive the e-transfer e-mail or if my e-transfer expires?
E-transfers can only be sent to your Carleton University e-mail address. Ensure that you have checked your inbox, as well as your junk mail folder. If you are certain you have not received the e-transfer, please contact student_accounts@carleton.ca.
E-transfers are set to expire 30 days after they are processed. If you cannot deposit your money because your e-transfer has expired, please contact student_accounts@carleton.ca. All requests must be sent from your Carleton University e-mail address.
- How is the new refund process different from the old process?
In the past, the Student Accounts department would automatically process refunds three times a year. As of the fall 2016 term, Student Accounts no longer automatically process refunds on a regular basis. There may still be some situations where a refund and/or award cheque may be generated without the student’s request. For the most part, however, refunds will only be issued if you make the request through Carleton Central.
- How can I check the status of my refund request?
The status of your refund can be viewed by logging onto Carleton Central and clicking the “Request Refund” link that appears under the Student Accounts section. You will be able to see a list of your previous refund requests and the status of each. Refund requests will be labelled in-progress, completed, or declined. If your refund request is marked as completed, the Student Accounts department has finished processing it, but it still may take 1-3 days for the cheque to be mailed, the e-transfer to be sent by the bank, or the funds to appear on your campus card.
- Will I be informed if my refund request is declined?
If your refund request is declined, you will receive an e-mail to your Carleton University e-mail address containing an explanation of why your refund could not be processed.
- Can I get a refund if I made my payment from an international bank?
If your payment was made via international wire or currency transfer, the refund will need to be returned to the original sender’s bank account. Wire transfer refunds will be reduced by the associated wire fees. Please contact student_accounts@carleton.ca to request a refund for an international payment. All requests must be sent from your Carleton University e-mail address.
- Will I still receive a refund if my tuition fees were paid by OSAP, an out of province loan, scholarships, a third party sponsor, etc.?
If you received OSAP or a Canadian Student Loan, there is a chance your credit may need to be sent back to the National Student Loan Service Centre to reduce the principal amount of your student loan. If you received scholarships (either through Carleton or through another organization) or are a sponsored student, you may not be eligible to receive the refund.
You can still submit the refund request through Carleton Central. Student Accounts will then review your account and follow-up with the Awards & Financial Aid Office and/or the third party organization to determine if you are eligible to receive a refund. Due to the additional follow-up needed, these types of refund requests may take longer to process.
- I'm an international student studying outside of Canada. Can I opt out of the fall 2022 and winter 2023 UHIP coverage?
As a result of residing outside of Canada, international students studying in the fall 2022 and winter 2023 terms are eligible to opt out of the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP). Students residing outside of Canada will need to complete this form. Failure to do so could result in UHIP fees remaining on your student account.
Carleton Central Questions
- Why do I have a credit on one term, but owe in another?
The payments you make are recorded in the term in which they are made. If you pay your entire year’s tuition in the Fall term, your Fall term balance will show a credit, as you have covered your Fall tuition in full and have remaining credit available. The Winter term balance will show that you owe the full amount, as you have not made any payments within the Winter term. However, your “Total Amount to Pay” (located at the top of the “Calculate Amount to Pay” page), will show that your net balance is $0.00.
- What is the difference between my term balance and my account balance?
A term balance is the net balance of your charges and credits in a given term. Your account balance is the net balance of your charges and credits in total. If you are trying to pay the remainder of your account, pay the amount displayed on the account balance line of your Student Account.
- I have a scholarship but it is not appearing on my Student Account Summary. Why?
The Awards office does not immediately release scholarships to the student account. Fall term scholarships are placed onto the account in late August. Winter term scholarships are placed onto the account in mid-December. Until your scholarships are released, they will not appear as credits (payments) on your student account; however, they do appear as “Future Credits” on the “Calculate Amount to Pay” page.
- What are all those compulsory miscellaneous fees?
The University uses a portion of every student’s fees, as approved by the Board of Governors, to support services on campus. For more information, please refer to our Compulsory Fees section of our website.
Common Questions Relating to Other Departments
- I missed the drop date by a day; can I still drop my course? What should I do?
Contact the Registrar’s Office and ask how to submit an appeal for special consideration.
- I have a question about my award/student loan.
If you have a question about a student loan, an undergraduate award or a general bursary, speak to the Awards Office. If you have a question about a graduate award, consult the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs.
- I have a question about my payroll deductions.
Please review your pay stub on Carleton Central under the Employee Services section. Further questions can be directed to Payroll Services.
- I have a question about the drug and dental plan.
The drug and dental plan is administered by your student association. Contact CUSA if you are an undergraduate or Carleton’s GSA if you are a graduate student.
- I have a question about my RA payment.
Detailed information can be found on the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs’ website.
Tax Questions
- How do I get my T2202?
All T2202 tax forms for all years are available on Carleton Central. New tax forms for the previous calendar year will become available by the end of February.
- How do I obtain a Releve 8?
Relevé 8 forms are only produced if you qualify (you must be a Quebec resident) and have completed this one-time application form. After completing the form, all subsequent eligible tax years will be automatically built and made available along with your other tax forms.
- I paid both fall and winter at the same time, but I am only getting credit for the fall term. Why?
Your T2202 is a tax credit receipt for a specific tax year. The winter term falls in a different tax year. You will receive tax credit for the winter term on that tax year’s T2202.
- Why is my tuition tax credit less than what I paid?
Not all tuition fees are recognized by the CRA. Your tax credit does not include non-eligible fees.
- How do I get my Engineering charitable tax receipt (CUESEF)?
Engineering students who have paid the CUESEF fee will be presented with an option to print this receipt through the “Print Tax forms” option in Carleton Central.
- My address is wrong/different than on my T2202 - Help!
The address information on your T2202 is captured from Carleton Central in January. Once this is done, changes to your address will not appear on your T2202. To avoid this, please keep your address on Carleton Central up to date; however, the CRA does not usually require an actual hard-copy of your T2202, so your reported address on the T2202 is generally not important.
- How is the 'months' portion of my T2202 calculated?
For the purposes of your T2202 you are considered to be full-time if you are registered in 1.5 credits or more for a given term. You are considered to be part-time if you are in less than 1.5 credits for a given term. This status is then applied to each month of the tax year.
- Why did I receive a T4A?
By law, the Canada Revenue Agency requires Carleton to report bursaries, scholarships, awards, prizes and tuition waiver amounts provided to students. These amounts are shown as income in Box 28 of the T4A. These T4As are available on your Carleton Central account by the end of February and reflects the amounts you have received from Carleton during the calendar year (January 1st to December 31st). For income tax purposes and preparing your T4A slip, your Social Insurance Number (SIN) is required. More information on Students and Income Tax can be found here.
- How do I open my tax forms?
Please use Internet Explorer to view your T2202. If you are having problems, you may need to clear your cache or turn off compatibility mode and ensure your pop-up blockers are disabled.
If you are using Safari, you will need to use a different browser such as Chrome or Firefox and ensure your pop-up blockers are disabled.
If you are using Microsoft Edge, you will need to use Internet Explorer.
In order to clear your cache please follow steps below:
- Open Internet Explorer (IE).
- IE 8: From the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
IE 9: In the upper right corner of the browser, click the gear icon and select Safety, then delete browsing history. - Select Temporary Internet files and website files.
- Click on Delete.
- Close the Internet Explorer window and reopen.
*For other versions of Internet Explorer, please search online for how to clear cache for your version of Internet Explorer.
Another issue may be the compatibility mode in internet explorer. In order to turn the compatibility mode off, please follow the steps below:
- Open Internet Explorer (IE).
- IE 8: From the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
IE 9: In the upper right corner of the browser, click the gear icon and select Compatibility View Settings. - From the lists of ‘Websites you’ve added to Compatibility View’, highlight the Carleton University website address.
- Click Remove.
*For other versions of Internet Explorer, please search online for how to turn off compatibility mode for your version of Internet Explorer.
- I am an international student. What do I need to know?
If you are in Canada as an international student, it is important that you understand what your rights, entitlements, and obligations are under Canada’s tax system. You can find that information on the Government of Canada’s website.
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