Speak Now, or Forever Hold your Nose

Larco Investment Ltd. has submitted a Site Plan Control application for the Château Laurier property. The City of Ottawa is looking for your input on the proposal.
(City of Ottawa Feedback Form on the proposed Château Laurier expansion)
Okay, it’s do-or-die for the Château Laurier. The City of Ottawa has received the application from Larco to demolish the old garage (no loss) and build the proposed extension (big loss). They are inviting public input, and I fervently hope they get plenty.
I’ve blogged about this several times, and written a piece about it in the Ottawa Citizen which I think might have been read by more people than everything else I’ve ever written combined. There seems to be no shortage of passion on the subject. Now is the time to have your say.
The City’s web page on the Château Laurier addition, which has plenty of information about the project and the consultation, says:
You can participate in the public consultation process for this proposal in several ways. You may:
- Complete a feedback form by Tuesday, March 14
- Send an email to chateaulaurier@ottawa.ca (link sends e-mail)
- Contact the file lead, Allison Hamlin, at 613-580-2424, extension 25477
- Attend a public meeting at a future date
- Submit written comments to or speak at the relevant Built Heritage Sub-Committee, Committee of Adjustment or Planning Committee meetings
Whatever the outcome, let’s at least make sure the Château isn’t disfigured simply because we were too apathetic to speak out.
Peter Coffman