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EU Policy Talk: “Move Slow and Fix Things: The EU Approach to Regulating Artificial Intelligence”

December 7, 2021 at 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM


The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence is pleased to host the EU Policy Talk, Move Slow and Fix Things: The EU Approach to Regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI), by Professor Robert Gould from Carleton University.

Growing tensions arising from the conflict between European notions of rights (as exemplified by the passing of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2016) and the widespread commercial practices of data retention and processing for profit by the digital businesses is contributing to the EU’s goal to strengthen standards for AI.

This presentation will examine the coordinated attempt being made by the European Commission, Council and Parliament to regulate the uses of AI in order to protect all EU citizens and residents by insisting that such activities be in conformity with the fundamental principles of the Union. At the same time, the proposed measures aim to promote cross-border commerce, research, development and use of artificial intelligence in the EU. Additionally, the presenter will examine the EU’s digital agenda outlined in the proposed Artificial Intelligence Act (an explanation for the act can be found here).

Robert Gould is an Adjunct Research Professor in the Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at Carleton University. For over twenty years Professor Gould has been researching and publishing on questions of national identity as presented in on-the-record statements of politicians in a range of EU countries and Switzerland. In 2020 he became interested in the reactions of administrators and politicians at the European level confronted with the impact of the internet and digital media on matters pertaining to defining European principles. For more from Professor Gould, you can visit “Deepening the ‘Brussels Effect’ to avoid Dystopia: Ethics and the Globalisation of EU Identity and Influence,” as well as his other published commentaries on the intersection of the EU, the digital age, and AI.

This event is free and open to the public. Registration is required.

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Please note: Registrations will be accepted on a first come basis and space is limited for the event. Accepted registrants will receive an email confirmation. Details and a link to the room will be sent separately before the event. This event is being hosted online with Zoom. Please be sure to download the Zoom software to your computer for access to the event and ensure your name will appear on your device as the registered name.

Additional reading:

European Commission proposed legislative initiatives in the Digital Services Act Package are found here.

As part of the EU Policy Talk series, the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence publishes a series of EU Policy Briefs from experts and scholars which address prominent policy issues facing the EU-Canada relationship. Read the policy briefs (below and here).

EU flag logo and statement "With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union"

The EU Policy Talk Series is an activity of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence which is co-funded with a grant by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union and by Carleton University.