Fragile States and COVID19 – Lebanon Project

Executive Summary
To be implemented over a period of 5 years, the Canadian Lebanese Agreement for Economic Success (CLAES) is tasked with aiding in the economic development of Lebanon through the promotion of anti corruption practices and cooperation between Canada, Lebanon, and other relevant stakeholders. The project consists of a preliminary, exploratory phase where CLAES will develop an enforcement mechanism to address corruption in Lebanon. This is followed by the implementation of various anti-corruption policies to enforce cooperation and dissuade corruption throughout the development of the Lebanese economy. Finally, the project will undergo ongoing monitoring and evaluation in partnership with multiple stakeholders to ensure its effectiveness. By addressing corruption within the state, the project is well positioned to serve as a reliable mechanism to help mitigate the economic stress placed on Lebanese businesses and society. Through the development of anti-corruption mechanisms, CLAES will ensure that cooperation and good practices are upheld in Lebanon, allowing for well-developed, sustainable economic practices to continue in increasing the economic prosperity of Lebanon.