Gabriel Wainer, a Systems and Computer Engineering professor at Carleton University, recently joined the exclusive list of McLeod Founder’s Award for Distinguished Service to the Profession recipients. Professor Wainer joins a list of nine other professionals who are recognized for their significant contributions to the field of modeling and simulation.

Professor Gabriel Wainer

The Society for Modeling and Simulation International has been presenting this commendation since 1994, with an average of one recipient every three years. Recipients of this award show a huge commitment toward driving forward the research and practical applications of modeling and simulation technology.

Gabriel Wainer has worked on developing new methods and technologies in this field over the last 25 years.

“I was honoured by the award,” says Professor Wainer, “I was excited and humbled to see that the list included some of the founders in the field, whose papers I used to read when I was a student. It’s something very touching.”

The focus of his and his student’s research has been to reduce the complexity and increase the efficiency of simulating complex natural and human-made systems. Improving the way computer and mathematical models mimic behaviour in the real world has allowed Professor Wainer’s research to be used worldwide, made accessible through hundreds of published papers and various open-source repositories.

Some of the most prevalent applications of his research have been in studying forest fires, floods, predictive energy conservation, and the spread of disease during the pandemic. A major endeavor Professor Wainer’s team undertook was developing new methods to execute those models remotely, including advanced visualization techniques.

“The numerous students that worked with us had the chance to learn from other experts at Carleton and around the world through collaborative research,” Professor Wainer says.

Professor Wainer and his team are currently working on using the modeling and simulation techniques they developed over the last ten years to build cyber-physical systems. These tools and methods will be used to support teaching both graduate and undergraduate classes and the results will be shared with IoT platforms. Additionally, the research is being leveraged in the Ericsson-Carleton partnership to advance the development of 6G network models.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023 in , , ,
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