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Energy Savings

Message to the Carleton Community Regarding Energy Reduction

The Department of Physical Plant cooperates with the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) in appealing to the Carleton community to conserve electricity consumption especially during the peak demand periods between 3:00pm and 8:00pm. There have been a number of occasions when the IESO has instituted measures to reduce the strain on the system by issuing public appeals to reduce energy consumption and on a few occasions had to resort to 5% voltage reductions across the system. We are pleased with the response and cooperation from our community and thank you for your efforts in meeting our reduction targets over the periods of these appeals.

A reduction in transmission or generation availability or any increase in demand creates shortfalls and requires proactive actions such as emergency purchases from other jurisdictions or voltage reductions on the Ontario system. We can all continue to assist with doing our share to reduce demands on the electricity system by:

The Department continues its efforts implementing strategic initiatives to the extent of funding availability, to manage energy consumption and conservation, which include: