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Shut Down Request Procedure

It is the practice of Facilities Management and Planning (FMP) to ensure the organization of shutdowns begin well in advance of the event thereby providing ample notification time to building occupants and facility users. Occasionally, breakdowns occur which require the immediate shutdown of a utility or service supplied to a building to avoid risk of injury to persons and/or further damage to affected buildings or facilities. Whether a planned or unplanned shutdown occurs, FMP staff shall make every effort to minimize the impact of any outage by following this procedure.

Any operation that requires a shutdown of a building service such as sewer, domestic water, electricity, heat, ventilation, air conditioning, compressed air or natural gas must complete a Shut Down Request Form.

A completed shut down request form is required for each job where services will be required to be interrupted in a specified area during a specified period of time when a service will be shut down. Completed request forms must be submitted ten (10) full business days prior to the anticipated start of work to the FMP Service Centre located in the Maintenance Building.  Note that submission of a request form does not guarantee that the shut down will be able to occur at the desired date and time due to the operational requirements of the university.  The FMP Service Centre will generate a work order for the appropriate trades personnel to investigate the request. It is the responsibility of the requestor to review the impacts of the shutdown with FMP Operations & Maintenance and to work with the manager of the appropriate trade group as well as key stakeholders (for example CSS, ORM, EHS, Library, Housing, Athletics, etc.) regarding appropriate scheduling of the work. Whenever possible, shutdowns should be scheduled to minimize disruption to the occupants

The individual requesting the shut down must also coordinate the notification of the shut down ensuring building occupants have at least five (5) business days notice of the shutdown.  This includes notifying persons with disabilities of the shut down.  The requestor shall provide notice to the University’s Accessibility Office in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in the facilities or services used by persons with disabilities.

This notice to building occupants will include information about the reason for the disruption, how long the disruption is expected to last, and a description of any alternative facilities or services available (where applicable). The individual requesting the shut down shall place at all public entrances and service counters, any service disruption notice involving a service which has the potential to affect building occupants and any persons with disabilities. Depending on the nature of the disruption, notice will also be provided by email and on the FMP web page.

Shut Down Request Form (pdf format)