Professor Pablo Mendez has been awarded a 4 year Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grant.

Professor Mendez received his PhD in Geography at the University of British Columbia, where he subsequently carried out postdoctoral work in association with the Global Suburbanisms project at York University. His research is focused on urban informality, the uses of housing, the evolution of suburban ways of living, and the settlement process of transnational migrants in metropolitan Canada. Pablo is also interested in the links between urbanization and grassroots politics in the global north and south.

Insight Grants support research excellence in the social sciences and humanities. Funding is available to both emerging and established scholars for research initiatives of two to five years. The Insight Grants funding opportunity supports research proposed by scholars and judged worthy of funding by their peers and/or other experts. SSHRC Insight Grant Results

To learn more about the research Professor Mendez is doing please visit his faculty page.