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Winter Meditation Sessions

Step into a space of rest and renewal each Tuesday over the lunch hour. Leave the doings of the day behind and join us for some quiet being in the spirit of winter’s stillness. We’ll consciously connect to support from below, above, and all around while engaging in mindfulness practices and simple tools to support nervous system regulation.

Location: MacOdrum Library Room 482

Dates: January 9 to April 30, 2024

Here’s what you can expect:

You may wish to bring:

Please complete the registration form below!

About Your Guide:

Heather Martel has been leading small group experiences for about five years and has an ability to curate spaces that support rest, relaxation, and self-exploration. Her support work is informed by the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, Stephen Levine, Dale Borglum, Sarah Kerr, Stan Grof, and growing wisdom nurtured by a steady rhythm of death/re-birth practices rooted in nature-based spirituality. Having engaged in healing contemplative arts since 2008, Heather’s main interests now lie at the intersections of breathwork and deathwork: how certain trance states and ritual practices can increase our ability to meet change and loss, and how consciously engaging with life’s little deaths can help prepare us for the inevitable. Her guided meditation sessions at Carleton offer a soft place to land as she combines grounding, relaxation, and breath awareness to guide people in turning attention inward, slowing way down, and shifting from mind to body to being.

Feedback from previous sessions:

 “I loved the energy I felt afterwards and how the session helped me get back to a clear mind.”

“These were absolutely essential to my mental and physical well-being this term. I loved everything about them – the structure, content, the way that Heather guided us through.”

“Heather has an amazing ability to use her words to sooth the spirit and soul in the middle of a busy, stressful workday.”

“I love Heather’s candidness and down-to-earth way of sharing. I think her curiosity and way of approaching different types of meditation is inspiring.”

“Heather encapsulates peace and tranquility. Her voice has a nice tone and cadence and I would like to do more sessions with her as a guide.”