The date to submit your ‘submission of Interest’ is  24th February 2023.

Design brief

Submission Dates


Micro-Mobility Mining Bot

As the mining sectors overcome connectivity challenges and the pathway to autonomy increases, the introduction of last mile/meter utility bots must be explored. Working collaboratively with humans, these bots should support in making their working lives easier, less mundane and closing the gap on both time and distance.

The three best exemplary submissions will be invited to attend the APMA Annual Conference.  All team members will have all travel expenses and conference fees paid, to be recognized by the Canadian automotive industry leaders. Prize money for the competition winners is a total of $10,000 which will be divided equally among team members.  The finalists will also receive full press coverage of each finalist’s design work.

Please follow this link to the design brief;

Thursday, February 16, 2023 in
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