Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

When: Wednesday, November 9th, 2022
Time: 2:00 pm — 3:00 pm
Location:Azrieli Pavilion, 450 (Gallery)
Audience:Current Students

What is design today?
A conversation about the evolution of the discipline.

by Dr. Stefano Maffei (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

An open discussion on the main conceptual drivers that are changing the meaning and the practice of the Design discipline.


Architect and Ph.D. in Design. Full Professor at the School of Design, Politecnico di Milano, he teaches Advanced Product-Service System and Production Models and Service Design and he’s member of the Executive Board (Delegate to the Third Mission) of the Department of Design and member of Board of the Design Phd School within the same institution where he recently coordinated the Design Ph.D Summer School (

Director of the following programs:

Coordinated the following projects:

He co-develops pilot projects with public bodies and institutions exploring the creation of innovation ecosystems based on openP2P collaboration between designers, makers and maker spaces, and SMEs/Craftsmen (

He works with Sanofi Genzyme since 2017 as Scientific Coordinator and Executive Leader of the project MakeToCare (, a research that aims to map and represent an emerging ecosystem made up of innovative patients, independent researchers, research institutions, startups and new entrepreneurs, makers and laboratories for digital manufacturing that work to develop concrete design solutions, capable of improving the daily life and health of people living in situations of disability. The core knowledge of this research path has been condensed in the platform Design HealthCare Innovation ( that now is the base for a comparative study of Milan/Boston Healthcare Ecosystems together with the Center for Design, CAMD, Northeastern University, Boston.

He received the ADI’s (Associazione per il Disegno Industriale) XXII° Compasso D’Oro Prize for Design Research with Design Research Maps (2011).