Co-Lab Tab

The Co-Lab Tab is an interactive touch screen display that turns into a collaborative table. Within co-working spaces, I found that the biggest pain points between users and managers were that they had trouble efficiently relaying information and for users to be encouraged to work together and collaborate. So the Co-Lab Tab was created. In Display Mode, it can be used as a presentation board or information hub. It will be able to relay information about events, activities, schedules, access, the space, and more. While in Table Mode, up to 6 people can effectively collaborate by drawing, brainstorming, or writing/editing reports and presentations. There is also NFC technology integrated into the table so that users can "sign in" at the beginning of meetings to track their contributions via proximity tracking and scan again at the end of the meeting to quickly download the notes to the cloud so everyone has a copy. During the meeting they can also press down on the NFC button and place their phone in the trough next to it to receive wireless charging. The Co-Lab Tab is able to bring users together efficiently and effectively for collaboration, networking, information access, and connection.

Lexie Armstrong


Thursday, June 1, 2023 in , ,
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