We are excited to announce that Carleton University is to co-host an event that will engage IT professionals from Ontario’s universities in discussions around Building IT.

The Ontario University Computing Conference (OUCC), being held at the University of Ottawa from May 31st to June 1st, will feature a variety of sessions focused on inventing, planning, supporting, developing and communicating IT.

Ralph Michaelis, CIO of ITS, says “Co-hosting OUCC allows us the wonderful opportunity to make contact with other Ontario universities and to share ideas with other IT professionals.  It allows Carleton to showcase its work, its projects, and it presents an excellent forum to gain recognition for the great work that we’re doing.”

Sessions being presented by Carleton University IT personnel are:

  • Stephen Gormley : Delivering a scalable and reliable Learning Management System
    Steve will discuss Carleton’s successful LMS upgrade from a standalone application server to a multi-cluster application environment behind a set of redundant load balancers.
  • Danny Brown & Mary Kathryn Roberts: Leveraging open source to develop an Enterprise CMS
    Danny and Mary Kathryn will showcase project innovations and reveal how leveraging an open source tool played a key role in delivering a modern and effective content management solution at Carleton University.
  • Ben Schmidt & Pierre Morissette: The journey to cloud email
    Ben and Pierre will review Carleton University’s successful launch of a cloud-based email service for Alumni in May 2009, as well as their ongoing investigation of cloud email for students.
  • Sandro Gentile: Starting a PPM initiative – Where to begin: process or technology?
    Sandro will illustrate the importance of establishing a balance between people, process, and technology and provide a roadmap to achieve Project Portfolio Management success.

Click here for program details.