Update as of Thursday Oct 13th at 10:45 AM:

RIM reports that BlackBerry service is back worldwide, ending the company’s worst-ever outage.  For more information, please visit the following news clip:


Update as of Thursday Oct 13th at 9:00 AM: 

RIM reports that the majority of BlackBerry services are operating well globally. BlackBerry Support teams continue to monitor the situation around the clock to ensure ongoing service stability. Some customers in Canada and Latin America who are sending messages to other regions may see intermittent message delays. Support teams are actively addressing this.

For more information, please visit:


As of Wednesday Oct 12:

News media reports that BlackBerry RIM is experiencing a 3-day outage on Email and Internet Services.  This outage is external to Carleton University.

For more information on this outage, please see the link below:
