After an extensive review and evaluation, Carleton has selected cuLearn (powered by Moodle) as the replacement for WebCT.

While WebCT has served Carleton well in the past, the product is at the end of its life cycle and will no longer be updated.   It was important that the system we selected be reliable, easy to use and meet our security standards.   Detailed selection criteria was used to help guide the decision making process.

After the trial of three popular systems, when surveyed, both the student and instructor data indicate that the cuLearn participants were the most satisfied group with their new LMS by preferring cuLearn over WebCT.

cuLearn Benefits

  • Ease of use.  Trial participants last year found it very easy to use.  With its intuitive navigation it is easy for a user to find their way around their courses.  For the faculty member adding content and customizing their course, cuLearn’s interface is intuitive making it easy to make additions and organize content. 
  • Integration capabilities.  With cuLearn we will have the ability to integrate university and 3rd party system such as student email system.
  • Extensible and flexible. cuLearn was designed so that developers can easily expand or add to its capabilities. This allows Carleton to tailor the platform to meet the needs of the University.  We will have a transparent feature request system to ensure we are adding features that are beneficial to you.
  • Course availability.  Past WebCT courses will be available through cuLearn.
  • Mobile.  Will be fully mobile compatible for September 2012.

cuLearn will be available for all courses this fall and will run parallel to WebCT until May 2013.  In May 2013 WebCT will no longer be available and cuLearn will become Carleton’s sole LMS.

For information on using cuLearn, please visit the cuLearn support website.