With a Student Computing Account, students currently have access to two drives:  a U: drive and a G: drive. Due to declining usage and attractive alternatives, the U: drive will no longer be available as of April 30, 2011.

The U: drive provides:

  • Secure Shell (SSH) access to public HTML folder for web pages (eg: http://chat.carleton.ca/~NAME)
    • If a student is hosting a website on the U: drive their site will be archived and removed. For superior free web publishing options, students are encouraged to check out tumblr.com or flavors.mePlease note: this announcement does not pertain to faculty web hosting.
  • 40 MB of file storage
    • If a student has files saved on their U: drive, they should move these files to their G: drive. There are also a limited number of free USB drives available at the ITS Service Desk located at 509 MacOdrum Library to assist with the transition.

In order to accommodate for the loss of storage space, ITS is looking to increase the storage capacity of every student’s G:  drive. Our goal is to continue to provide students with better, simplified services.