This fall and throughout the Winter term, Information Technology Services (ITS) will begin engaging faculty to transition to a MyCarletonOne account.

At present, faculty and students memorize a number of passwords and use more than one username to access Carleton’s various IT systems. In order to both simplify the user experience and enhance data security, Carleton has implemented a multi-year solution called MyCarletonOne.

This solution consolidates the number of usernames and passwords used to access several IT systems into one, secure username and password that can be self-managed online, at any time from the webpage.

Once set up, faculty will use their MyCarletonOne credentials to access:

  • Banner / Fast
  • CUNET (includes access to wireless, VPN, computer labs, e-kiosks, Exchange email, Carleton’s Content Management System and work desktops)
  • MyCarleton Portal
  • Carleton’s Learning Management System (WebCT)

Last October, MyCarletonOne was successfully rolled out to 1,200 staff members. When surveyed, the majority of respondents found setting up their accounts “easy” or “very easy.”

For more information, visit