The Project Office is reviewing proposed projects for next year as part of the budget planning process.

As well, the CMS Migration project which was approved in February 2008 is nearing completion and will be formally closed at the end of April 2011. 179 Carleton websites have been migrated to the Carleton Content Management System with 7 in progress, for a total of 186.

Below is the list of current proposals.

Project Name


Enterprise Data Archiving Solution Data archiving will allow us to migrate data from active storage to passive storage, but still be able to retrieve it at a reasonable speed.  The long term strategy must be to develop and evolve our ability to manage information.
Internet Access Resiliency This initiative would establish two physical fiber routes into the University and two points of termination. To establish a diverse fiber route into the University to eliminate one more risk in our resiliency strategy.
Loaner Laptop Management System Implementation of an IT management process for the Library’s Loaner Laptop program.
Lyris Migration and Upgrade The goal of this project is to improve and guarantee the Lyris List service by upgrading and migrating the service off its current hardware to a Linux VM.
Portal Cluster Increase the Portal availability, through clustering, to the same or better as Carleton Central, so that it would be feasible to turn off direct access to Carleton Central in favour of Single Sign On through the Portal.
VPN Upgrade Replace current VPN equipment and implement new VPN Access management.
WebCT Oracle Upgrade The goal of this project is to upgrade WebCT’s Oracle database from 10g to 11g.
Wireless Campus Coverage Implement wireless coverage to include all campus buildings, tunnels and outdoors; excludes residence and ancillary buildings.