Two years ago we began talking about MyCarletonOne, our identity and access management system.  Today roughly 27, 400 staff, faculty and students have a MyCarletonOne account.

We were in need of a centralized identity and access management system that would simplify the way staff, faculty, students and alumni access IT applications and services.  Once rolled out, each person will have one username and one password to access most applications and services.  In addition, they will have the ability to change their password whenever, from wherever, in a secure manner.

The first phase of provisioning all staff, faculty and students with a MyCarletonOne account is well underway.


The phased rollout began with staff.  By January 2011, nearly 1200 full time continuing staff members had been provisioned with a MyCarletonOne account.


To seamlessly transition students from a Student Computing Account to a MyCarletonOne account, we coupled the new Carleton Email signup with the new account signup.  When they activated their MyCarletonOne account students were provided with a new 10gb email account.   To date, over 26, 000 students have activated MyCarletonOne accounts.


Faculty in the Library and in Sprott School of Business have been invited to activate their MyCarletonOne accounts.  Over the next few months faculty in the remaining departments will be invited to activate their accounts.

For project news, please visit