3,528 Tickets Opened

In October alone, the ITS Service Desk opened 3,528 service request tickets.  This was 399 more tickets than last October.

45.8% Of Service Requests come in via Email

Email is the most popular means of contacting the ITS Service Desk.  Second to email is phone, at 26%, followed by drop-in to the Help Desk at 19%. The remainder are internal ITS tickets, on-site visits, and voicemail.

92% commitment rate

Commitment rate is the amount of time that is designated to complete a ticket request.  When a ticket gets passed to a department outside of the ITS Service Desk (ie: to Web Services or to the Network Services team), it gets assigned a ‘time to complete’.  This time is determined based on the type of request and how long it generally takes to complete this type of request.

96% Satisfaction Rate

Satisfaction surveys, implemented February 2012, go out to a number of clients who have submitted a request to the ITS Service Desk.  In October, Clients report a 96% satisfaction rate with the service received.  This is based on a 20% survey response rate.

11, 977 Logins to the 2nd Floor Library Lab Computers

There are 47 PCs in the second floor Library computer lab.  In October, this was the most popular computer lab on campus seeing 11, 977 logins.