FMP and Honeywell along with ITS have implemented IT upgrades at each workstation in Robertson Hall. These upgrades are energy saving features through the use of Smart Strip Power Bars and Computer Sleep software.

Smart Strip Power Bars

These power bars allow for non-critical devices to be turned off when the computer goes into sleep mode. When the PC is shut down, any other device on the strip will also switch off.  The idea is to connect lamps, printers and other non-essentials in the strip to save power overnight.  Critical devices can be plugged into designated outlets to remain on at all times. ITS will perform the installation and adjustments.  View the Smart Strip Power Bar Manual.

Computer Sleep Software

The Computer Sleep software allows the workstation to go into hibernate mode at 7 pm each day.  This applies to only CUNET workstations (no laptops, no macs).  If you require access to your workstation after 7 pm, you will need to wake up your computer.

Situations that would require you to wake up your computer via VPN include:

  • Access to remote servers
  • Access to specialized software that you do not have on your home pc
  • Access bookmarks in your workstation’s browser

Please note, the best way to access documents is via the W drive and your Carleton Email is via

In the case where an automatic registration has not been made, you can:

  • Register a computer by name – use this if you know the name of the computer
  • Find a computer – use this when you are unsure of the exact name of the computer

To register a computer by name:

  1. Click on the Register tab.
  2. Enter the full name of the computer to register. i.e.: CUNET\pcname-01
  3. Click the Register button.

Once the computer is registered, it will be displayed at the bottom of the My Computers page where you can then initiate the wake up.

You can remove this computer at any time by clicking the bin icon at the right-hand end of its entry in the Registered computers list.

To search for the computer name to wake up:

To search for a domain/computer to wake up:

  1. Click on the Search tab.
  2. Add the domain search at the start with a backslash.
  3. Click the name of the computer to initiate the wake up.
    A timer icon will appear to indicate that the wake up has been initiated.  If time-out occurs, please wait and try again.   If the computer still does not respond, contact ITS.

Instructions to Access Your Workstation after 7 pm

To login to the Web Wakeup website:

To access your workstation after 7 pm, you will need to wake your computer up via the Web Wakeup website.

  1. Connect to CUNET using Carleton’s VPN.
  2. Browse to
  3. Enter your MyCarletonOne username and password.  Enter the username as CUNET\myusername

To initiate a wakeup:

When more than one computer is registered to a user, they appear in a list at the bottom of the My Computers page. The name and current status (on, off, or unknown) for each registered computer is displayed in the list. The name appears on the left and the status icon on the right.

To wake a computer:

  1. Click its name in from the Registered computers list.
  2. Click the Wake up button to initiate a wake up.

Once the computer is awake, a remote desktop button will appear.

To access a computer after Wakeup:

Start a remote access session on any computer with the on status by clicking its name from the Registered computers list.


For any further information, questions and or comments, please do not hesitate to contact Joe Furo or Dave Keighley. Any technical issues following the installation can be directed to ITS Service Desk (x3700).