Current Students now have a new and improved website.

The new Carleton Current Students site runs off WordPress 3.5.1 and uses Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (SASS) as a CSS pre-processor.

When coding the site, it was important for it to be fully accessible and responsive.

When designing the site, the Office of the Associate Vice-President (Students and Enrolment) were looking to showcase more stories on the homepage, to enhance the search function and to improve online student communications.

The new Current Students website is:

  • Responsive
    Using CSS media queries, the new template adjusts to the screen size of the device the user is on.  This eliminated the need to create a separate mobile template.
  • Retina ready
    The new site features graphics suitable for hi-resolution devices.  This was done using icon fonts and vector graphics.
  •  Visually appealing
    The new banner offers an attractive visual representation of the top stories.
  • Consistent
    The content is now contained in a consistent template.  In the previous design, users were switched to a different template once they went past the homepage.  The new site maintains its consistent design throughout.
  • Searchable
    Improved “Carleton Help” search tool for locating support services.

In addition, the site has gone from to  This new URL is in line with the sub domain architecture that we’re moving towards.  Rest assured, will continue to work.

Check out the new site today at